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psych U8M37

motivational concepts

motives specific need arouses organism and directs its behavior towards a goal; response to a stimulus
needs necessary for an organism to live
instincts genetically programmed patterns of behavior (fixed action patterns)
name one criticism of the instinct theory animal behavior has a more rigid and fixed pattern, but humans do not always have the same pattern of behavior
how does evolutionary psychology's assumption that genes predispose species-typical behavior remain strong in humans? humans are biologically prepared to learn behaviors/associations
drive reduction theory physiological needs (for survival) put demands on the body (creates drives)
homeostasis the state of regulatory equilibrium/balance (set pt)
primary drives unlearned drives--billogical needs like thirst, hunger
secondary drives learned drives--social needs like wealth, points, achievement (incentives)
name one criticism of the drive reduction theory we do not always have a drive to satisfy a need (ex: eating when we're not hungry)
incentives objects in the environment that can motivate behavior; external stimuli; not necessarily aware of them
optimal arousal theory there is an optimum level of arousal for maximum performance on a task
yerkes-dodson law complex tasks lower arousal, simple task have a higher level of arousal tolerated
name a criticism of the optimal arousal theory doesn't explain thrill seeking--extreme tension
abraham maslow hierarchy of needs hierarchical system for organizing needs, Each lower level needs to be satisfied in order to meet the next.
self-actualization creatively and meaningfully fulfill their own potential on their own
name the five levels of maslow's needs in his hierarchy physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization
what is a criticism of maslow's theory difficult to verify the accuracy of the order since ppl prioritize diff things; trouble assessing needs
ex of criticism of maslow's theory one fleeing from persecution would offset their physiological need for sleep in order to ensure their safety first
Created by: allyson.lee
Popular Psychology sets




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