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Solutions Vocab

Solute The substance being dissolved. Usually the smaller amount
Sovlent The substance that dissolves the solute. Usually the larger amount.
homogeneous mixture a mixture where one substance is evenly spread, usually a solution
Rate of Dissolving How fast a solute will dissolve in a solvent
Ways to increase the rate of dissolving 1) Crushing (increase surface area) 2) Stirring/shaking (agitation) 3) Heating
The amount of solute that will dissolve in a certain solvent at a certain temperature (usually in grams) Solubility
The amount of solute compared to the whole solution Concentration
To lower the concentration Dilute
Effect of temperature on solubility for solids/liquids dissolved into liquids Higher temperature increases solubility
Effect of temperature on solubility for gases dissolved into liquids Higher temperature decreases solubility
Factors that affect the solubility of gases into liquids Temperature and pressure
Factors that affect the solubility of solids/liquids into liquids Temperature
Universal Solvent Water
General rule for determining if a solute is soluble Like dissolves like
2 types of compounds that will dissolve in water 1) Ionic 2) Polar Covalent
What type of solvent is water? Polar
A solution that has dissolved the maximum amount of solute possible at a specific temperature Saturated solution
A solution that can still dissolve more solute at a temperature Unsaturated solution
Characteristics of a solution allows light to pass through without scattering cannot be separated with a filter will not separate on its own solute is invisible
A solution that has more solute dissolved in it than it normally would be able to hold at a certain temperature supersaturated solution
a mixture similar to a solution with the largest pieces that will settle and separate over time a suspension
a mixture similar to a solution with medium sized particles that will not separate, but scatters light (Tyndall Effect) a colloid
A graph showing the saturation point for a substance in water at different temperatures solubility curve
A solution that releases Hydrogen ions in water Acid
A solution that releases Hydroxide ions in water Bases
Adjective often used to describe bases alkaline
Sour Taste Corrosive Reactions with Metals Turns Blue litmus paper Red Acids
Bitter Taste Corrosive Slippery Doesn't react with metals Turns Red litmus Paper Blue Base
Substance that reacts (usually by changing color) in the presence of an acid or base Indicator
Reaction that occurs when acids and bases are mixed Neutralization
Type of substance often formed when acids and bases are mixed salts
Scale used to measure the strength of acids and bases pH
Neutral number on the pH scale 7
Range of numbers on pH scale that indicate acids 0-6
Range of numbers on pH scale that indicate bases 8-14
Vitamin C, Lemons, Vinegar, Some batteries, stomach Acids
Soaps, cleaning products (including drain cleaner), chalk, baking soda, blood Bases
Substance that can conduct electricity when dissolved in water due to the presence of ions Electrolyte
purple cabbage juice, litmus paper, methyl orange Indicators
Created by: jaredlovering
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