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Intr 2 Psy Final EX3

A researcher studies a suicide bomber's history. The researchers goal is to understand the events and personality traits that led the person to become a bomber. This type of research is called a... case study
What is the correct order for scientific research? Theory, Hypothesis, Prediction, Evidence
Which statement is true of a hypothesis? It is a statement about a relationship between variables that may be empirically tested.
The principle of falsifiability means that... a scientist must state an idea in such a way that it can be refuted or disproved by counter-evidence
Researchers prefer to select participants who accurately represent the larger population that the researchers are interested in. This type of group is called a ... sample. Representative
Research methods that depict behavior, but do not necessarily yield causal explanations are called... descriptive methods
Dawn is systematically recording the behaviors of the kids in a nursery school, taking pains to avoid being obvious about what she is doing. Dawn is engaging in an ... observational study
... are fake treatments or inactive substances used as a control in an experiment. placebos
Procedures used to measure and evaluate personality traits, emotional states, aptitudes, and values are called ... psychological tests
If a psychological test is standardized ... uniform procedures have been developed for giving and scoring the test
Which is a correct statement about skepticism? Good scientists must balance skepticism and openness to new ideas.
People who are willing to take part in surveys usually have opinions and views that are different from those who decline to take part. This phenomenon is called ... volunteer bias
Julie finds that the more she sleeps on the eve of an exam, the higher score she obtains on the exam. There is ... correlation between the amount Julie sleeps and her exam scores. a positive
Psychologists sometimes prefer to make observations in a laboratory setting rather than a naturalistic setting. The primary advantage of laboratory observation over naturalistic observation is ... researchers have more control over the research study
Ken is given a vocational interest test and then takes a test, similar in format but with different questions, a week later. The test administrator
A researcher studies a suicide bomber's history. The researchers goal is to understand the events and personality traits that led the person to become a bomber. This type of research is called a... case study
What is the correct order for scientific research? Theory, Hypothesis, Prediction, Evidence
Which statement is true of a hypothesis? It is a statement about a relationship between variables that may be empirically tested.
The principle of falsifiability means that... a scientist must state an idea in such a way that it can be refuted or disproved by counter-evidence
Researchers prefer to select participants who accurately represent the larger population that the researchers are interested in. This type of group is called a ... sample. Representative
Research methods that depict behavior, but do not necessarily yield causal explanations are called... descriptive methods
Dawn is systematically recording the behaviors of the kids in a nursery school, taking pains to avoid being obvious about what she is doing. Dawn is engaging in an ... observational study
... are fake treatments or inactive substances used as a control in an experiment. placebos
Procedures used to measure and evaluate personality traits, emotional states, aptitudes, and values are called ... psychological tests
If a psychological test is standardized ... uniform procedures have been developed for giving and scoring the test
Which is a correct statement about skepticism? Good scientists must balance skepticism and openness to new ideas.
People who are willing to take part in surveys usually have opinions and views that are different from those who decline to take part. This phenomenon is called ... volunteer bias
Julie finds that the more she sleeps on the eve of an exam, the higher score she obtains on the exam. There is ... correlation between the amount Julie sleeps and her exam scores. a positive
Psychologists sometimes prefer to make observations in a laboratory setting rather than a naturalistic setting. The primary advantage of laboratory observation over naturalistic observation is ... researchers have more control over the research study
Ken is given a vocational interest test and then takes a test, similar in format but with different questions, a week later. The test administrator wants to measure the ... of the test. alternate-forms reliability
Which correlation coefficient value indicates the strongest relationship between two variables? -.80
Experiments are more valuable than other research methods because... they allow a determination of cause-effect relationships
A professor wants to know whether eating sweets before bedtime causes children to take longer to fall asleep. In this experiment, whether or not a sweet is given before bed is the... independent variable
Subjects are randomly assigned to experimental and control groups to ... make the two groups s similar as possible in all major characteristics.
Descriptive or experimental research that is conducted in a natural setting outside of the laboratory is called ... field research
The correlation coefficient conveys ... the size and direction of the relationship between two variables
Inferential statistics are called... statistical procedures that allow researchers to draw inferences about how statistically meaningful a study's results are
A... is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if a given participant is in the experimental or control group until after the results are filled double-blind study
After their marriage, the newlyweds agreed to participate in a research project to investigate differences in marital satisfaction over time. A survey was completed every 5 years. They are participants in a ... longitudinal study
Techniques such as meta-analysis are useful in psychology because ... rarely does one study alone prove anything, and this technique analyzes data from many studies
Marcy is trying to define "anxiety" in such a way that it specifies how it is to be observed, measured, and empirically tested. She is attempting to find an appropriate ... operational definition
People who participate in research studies must participate voluntarily and must know enough about the study to make an intelligent decision abut participating. This concept is known as ... informed consent
Recalling of past events, down to facial expressions and complete memory is an example of ... episodic memory
Memory is critical in our lives because ... it gives us our sense of who we are
To millions, 9/11 is frozen in time. They remember exactly where they were, what they were doing, and what they felt as the morning transpired. This vivid recollection is known as a ... flashbulb memory
Conscious, intentional recollection of an event or of an item of information is called... explicit memory
Eyewitness testimonies are most likely to contain errors when the suspect ... is of different ethnic back ground than eyewitness
The multiple choice question youre answering now requires ... to answer correctly recognition
What memory system has an unlimited capacity and can keep information for minutes or decades? long-term memory
Jamal remembers the feeling of excitement in the house once his parents came home with his baby sister, eve though he actually stayed with his grandparents for two weeks and the memory never happened. This is an example of... confabulation
Jannet solved a puzzle on Thursday and Saturday but cannot recall what she wrote down. She had ... memory of some of course? implicit
Memories of general knowledge, including facts, rules, concepts, and proposition are called ... semantic memories
According to Sir Frederic artlett... memory is largely a reconstructive process
Ambassador McKenzie was about to ask a french diplomat to repeat his last comment, but then his ... enabled him to "select" what had been said while ignoring all all the extraneous sounds in the reception room sensory register
For most americans, which year would be considered a chunk? 1776
In accordance with the three-box model of memory, the memory system involved in the prolonged storage of information is known as ... long-term memory
Given the current research on recovered memories, one should be skeptical if a person says that... she now has memories of her experiences from her first year or two of life, thanks to therapy
... could be knowing how to do something memories procedural memories
Contemporary memory researchers would be more likely to agree that child amnesia ... occurs because the pre-frontal cortex and other key brain feature aren't developed left.
Margeaux is introduced to be the following people when she arrives at a party. According the serial position effect, it will be the most difficult to remember the names of ... Rose, Melanie, Garrett, and Tom
... is thought to be a biological mechanism of long term memory. Long-term potentiation
"Every Good Boy Does Fine" in which the starting layer of each word represents the first letter of a note. This is an example of ... a mnemonic
... involves associating new items of information with material that has already been stored. Elaborative Rehearsal
Coach Harvey says he has trouble remembering the players from the previous year, and sometimes callsthem by name of a new player. This is an example of... retroactive interference
Research on autobiographical memory indicates that most adults cannot recall any events until about ... 2 years of age
... involves active mental processes that control retrieval of information from long-term memory and interpret that information appropriately given for a given task. Working memory
The ... is a part of the brain that is involved with the information and consolidation of memories associated with fear and other emotions, amygdala
The... theory of forgetting proposes that memory fades with time and lack of use. Decay
Created by: jennahamilton
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