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Lower GI Radiography

Lower GI positioning

Included in the large intestine but not the colon Cecum and rectum
Location of the appendix RLQ
~Length of the large intestine 5'
Terminal opening of the large intestine Anus
Term for large intestinal sacculations Haustra
Pathology that causes a cobblestone appearance to the colon, caused by ulcers Ulcerative colitis
Pre-cancerous saclike projections into the lumen of the bowel Polyps
Blind pouch of the rectum Rectocele
Exam that will best demonstrate a rectocele Defecography
May present as a napkin-ring or apple core lesion Colon cancer
Telescoping, most common in infants Intussusception
Contraindications to BaSO4 Perforation, large bowel obstruction, pregnancy
Type of contrast used for defecography Thick barium paste
Stages evaluated during the DP Resting and straining
Can a BE be performed following a colonoscopy Yes, as long as a biopsy was NOT done during the colonoscopy
BE prep 24-48 hour cathartic bowel prep
Position for placement of the enema tip Sims
Type of tip utilized rectal (air-contrast) retention tip
Do you inflate the tip once it is in place No, the tip should be inflated under fluoro guidance
Most common negative contrast media Air
Drug physician may order to control colonic spasm Glucagon
Most important aspect of preparing the enema bag CLAMPING IT
Surgical formation of an anastomosis between 2 portions of the colon Colostomy
Location of the Barium when the patient is supine Ascending and descending colon
Location of the Barium when the patient is prone Transverse colon and loops of sigmoid colon
Best demonstrates the right colic flexure RAO or LPO
Best demonstrates an elongated rectosigmoid area AP/PA axial sigmoid, LPO/RAO double angle sigmoid "butterfly"
Best demonstrates the left colic flexure LAO or RPO
Images done for a double contrast BE, but not single Decubs, XTL rectum
Shortest portion of the small bowel Duodenum
Junction of the duodenum and jejunum Duodenojejunal flexure
Smoothest, thinnest portion of the small bowel Ileum
Patient prep for a small bowel NPO after midnight
Preferred position for SB images Prone
Pathology that may present as a string sign Crohns
Cessation of peristalsis Paralytic ileus
Double contrast small bowel study Enteroclysis
Created by: EHodgis
Popular Radiology sets




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