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Cardio Assess Unit 5

SPC Cardiopulmonary Assessment Unit 6 Exam 3

What are the 3 cell types in blood? 1. Erythrocytes (RBC's) 2. Leukocytes (WBC's) 3. Thrombocytes (Platelets)
Normal RBC count for males? 5-6 million/mm^3
Normal RBC count for females? 4-5 million/mm^3
Normal Hb count for males? 14-17 g/dL
Normal Hb count for females? 12-15 g/dL
Normal Hematocrit count for males? 40-50%
Normal Hematocrit count for females? 35-45%
Normal "white blood count" WBC 5-10,000/mm^3
What is Leukocytosis? Increase in WBC count
What is Leukopenia? Decrease in WBC count
What causes Anemias? 1. Increased RBC breakdown 2. Decrease RBC production 3. Blood Loss
What is Anemia? Decrease in RBC's, Hb, & Hct
What is Polycythemias? Increase in RBC's, Hb, & Hct
What is Polycythemia Vera? Condition where the bone marrow increases production of RBC's
What causes Polycythemia Vera? 1. Chronic Hypoxemic Lung/Heart Disease 2. High Altitude Dwellers
What is Neutrophilia? 1. Increase Neutrophil Count 2. First responders to Infection 3. Commonly assoc. w/ Bacterial infection (Pneumonia)
What is Neutropenia? 1. Decreased Neutrophil Count 2. Septic Shock 3. Overwhelming infection
What is Eosinophilia? 1. Increased Eosinophil Count 2. Assoc. w/ Allergic Disorders (Asthma) & Parasitic Infections
What is Lymphocytosis? 1. Increased Lymphocyte Count 2. Assoc. w/ Viral Infections
What is Lymphocytopenia? 1. Decresed Lymphocyte Count Assoc. w/: 1. HIV Infection 2. T4/T8 Ratio decreases w/ development of AIDS 3. Helper Cells & Suppressor Cells
What is Monocytosis? 1. Increase Monocyte Count 2. Predominant cell after 48hrs of infection 3. Once in tissue called Histocytes 4. Assoc. w/: Chronic Infection (TB)
Clinical significance of Platelet Count? Normal Thrombocyte Count 50,000-400,000/mm^3
What is Thrombocytopenia? 1. Decrease Thrombocyte Count <50,000 2. Increase bleeding risk <20,000 3. Spontaneous internal hemorrhage 4. IVH
Signs of Thrombocytopenia? 1. Petechiae (red/purple spots) 2. Eccymosis (blue/black spots)
Causes of Thrombocytopenia? 1. Indomethacin 2. Heparin 3. Prednisone 4. INH 5. Bone marrow disease
Define Bacteriology? Medical Microbiology
Define Gram Negative? A bacteria that stains red
Define Gram Positive? A Bacteria the stains violet
Define Cocci? A round, spherical bacteria
Define Rod? An elongated, tubular bacteria
Define Acid-Fast? Ziehl-Neelsen Stain & Mycobacterium TB
Define Culture? Growth of microorganisms in a special media
Define Sensitivity? Subjecting cultured bacteria to a number of antibiotics to determine which prevents growth
What are transudates? Protein <3g/dL 1. Thin & Watery 2. Few Cells 3. CHF 4. Cirrhosis 5. Pulmonary Emboli
What are exudates? Protein >3g/dL 1. Thick & opaque 2. Many cells (WBC) 3. Pneumonia 4. TB 5. Fungal diseases 6. Lung cancer
What is Chylothorax? Chyle from the thoracic duct in the pleural space, usually following trauma.
What is Hemothorax? Blood in the plural space, usually following trauma
What is empyema? "Super exudate" from infection
What is Histology? Study of tissue, taken via biopsy
What is Cytology? Study of cells, taken via brushings & washings. Sputum analysis/Pleural fluid analysis
What is "Fine Needle Aspiration"? A cytological procedure where a small (22ga) needle is penetrated into a mass and cells a aspirated for subsequent analysis
What is the clinical application for histology and cytology testing? Diagnosis & Monitoring of Cancer
Created by: Langhout1418
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets



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