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Literary Terms

onomatopoeia the use of words who sounds echo there meaning
oxymoron a combination contradictory words that have opposite or different meanings
parodox something that is made up of too opposite things and that seems imposible but its actually true or possible
parody imating another work or style of a particular writer,artist,or genre for humorious affect
personification the given or human qualities to an animal, object, or idea
plot the series or events in a story
exposition beginning , introduces ,background, setting, and characters
rising action develops the conflict
climax the poiny of greatest intrest in the story , conflict is usually resolved and the outcome of the plot is clear usually twards the end of the story
fallimg action story begins to draw to a close
resolution final outcome
poetic justice the ideal judgement that rewards virtue and punishes vice
point of view the method of narration
first person the person telling the story is a character in the story (uses 1st person pronouns -I)
second person the narrator is not in the story and is specifically speaking to the reader
third person omniscient the narrator is not a character in the story and knows that all of the characters think, feel, and observe (he, she, they)
third person limited the narrator is not a character in the story and knows what only one character thinks, feels and observes
protagonist the main character involved in the main story
pun a play on words based on the similarity of sound between the two words but both having different meanings.
satire a genre of literature or performing arts in which bad things are held up to ridicule with the intent of shaming into improvement
setting time and place the action takes place including geographic location, historical period, season, time of day and culture
simile a comparison of two things by using like or as.
style a manner of writing
symbolism a person, place, object or activity that stands for something beyond itself.
dialogue written conversation between two or more characters
figurative language language that communicates meaning beyond the literal meanings of words.
flashback an interruption of the action to present events that took place in the past.
foreshadowing a writer provides hints that suggest future events in a story. It creates suspense and makes the reader eager to find out what will happen.
genre a category in which a work of literature is classified
Fiction stories that are NOT true.
Realistic Fiction Stories that are not true but could happen.
Historical Fiction Set in the past and involves real people, places, or significant events in history
Science Fiction Set in the future and based on the impact of real, potential, or imagined technology.
Fantasy Contains magical elements such as non-existent world, talking animals, and other creatures, and objects or people with super powers.
NON FICTION includes biographies, histories, memoirs, how to books, self-help books, books on business and even books on writing.
hyperbole figure of speech in which the truth is exaggerated for emphasis for emphasisor humorous effect.
idiom An expression that has a meaning different from its individual words.
imagery through writing sight, smell, taste, sound, touch.
inference gap the act of process or reaching a conclusion about something from known facts or evidence.
irony contrast between what one expects versus what really happens.
situational an outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected.
verbal a figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant.
dramatic irony understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the story.
metaphor a comparison of two things that are basically unlike but have some qualities in common.
mood the feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader.
narrator the voice that tells the story
allegory a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
alliteration the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of a word.
allusion a reference to a famous person, place, event or work of literature.
analogy a comparison between two things that are alike in some way.
antagonist the character working against the main character.
assonance the repetition of vowel sounds within the non-rhyming words.
author's purpose (PIE) is the author's reason for writing.
characters the people, animals, or imaginary creatures who take part in the action of a work of literature.
dynamic characters a character who changes throughout the course of the novel.
static characters a character who does not go through significant changes throughout the course of the novel. This character is the same in the beginning as in the end.
flat characters a character who is not complicated, no personality.
round characters a character who is complex (a lot of personality and characters)
characterization the way a writer creates and develops
conflict A struggle between opposing forces. An external conflict involves a character who struggles against a force outside them.
man vs. man External
man vs. nature External
man vs. self Internal
man vs. society External
connotation the ideas and feelings associated with the word.
theme a message about life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader.
tone the writers attitude toward his or her own subject
understatement creating emphasis by saying less than is actually or literally true, opposite of hyperbole.
Created by: AGVenable
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