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Journalism ETA1

Why do we do interviews? To get facts correctly, to relate a story that is involved in the media,etc.
If you have an interview, what do you do to prepare? Find a story angle, make questions ,or do research.
What kind of question can you ask at an interview? Ask open ended questions that can get you answer that does consist of a yes or no answer(close ended questions)
Timeliness A breaking news story, something that just happened.
Proximity A story that happened near or at a specific place.
Prominence/celebrity A story that tells about a person you considered very important, well known
Impact A story that has an effect on you
Conflict A story that focuses on a disagreement between two or more parties
Rarity/oddity A story that involves something you don't see everyday
Human interest A story that brings emotions, such as sadness,happiness,content,anger,etc
Currency A story that was written simply because people are talking about it, the topic
What's in a lead? Beg. with what or who,not with when or where.Most important information with 25 words or less.
Where can you get quotes from and how would you use them? Use quotes from the interview ,make them concise.Also,transcribe them.
What is paraphrase? Taking quotes and turning them into a paraphrase by rewording the quote to make it your own.
What is a quote? A direct saying from the person that your are interviewing that they said.
What to do with paraphrasing and what to do with a quote? If paraphrasing use the attribution in the beg. But if with a quote use the quote then the attribution.
Court case Tinker v.Des Moines(1969) Students wore black armbands to protest the Vietnam War and celebrate the Christmas armistice, principal suspended students.Parents won, courts said students action were not a disruption to the educational process
Court case: Hazelwood v. Kuhlmerier(1988) Students write a series of stories about teen pregnancy and the effects of divorce.Principal said that article could be offensive to some students.Parents of the students sued and lost because the school has the right to make decisions for the students.
What was the Court case of 1988 also known for ? En loco parentis
Court case Texas v. Johnson invalidated prohibitions on desecrating the American flag enforced in 48 of the 50 states.The defendant Gregory Lee Johnson's act of flag burning was protected speech under the First.
Times v.Sulmon The actual malice standard requires that the plaintiff in a defamation case,if he or she is a public figure, prove that the publisher of the statement in question knew that the statement was false or acted in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity.
Created by: kwa.tasheaa
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