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Psychology - Age

Human development The scientific study of the changes that occur in people as they age from conception until death
longitudinal design A research design in which one participant or group of participants is studied over a long period of time
cross-sectional design Research at which participants are studied at one particular point in time
dominant Refers to a gene that actively controls the expression of a trait
recessive referring to a gene that influences the expression of a trait only when paired with an identical gene
temperment Emotional characteristics
attachment Emotional bonds a child form with its caretaker
Nature The influence of inherited characteristics on our personality, physical growth, intellectual growth and social interactions
nurture The influence of the environment in our personality, physical growth and social interactions
gene A section of DNA that determines a kind of trait
Chromosomes Tightly wound straps of genes
Ovum the female sex cells or eggs
fertilization the union of egg and sperm
zygote Cell that results from fertilization
Mitosis The process during zygote divides until it becomes the cell of the baby
Identical twins (Monozygot) One egg, one sperm splits into two
Fraternal twins (dizygotic) two separate sperms and two separate eggs
Monozygotic twins Identical twins formed when one zygote splits into two separate masses of cells, each of which develips into a separate embryo
Dizygotic twins Fraternal twins occuring when two eggs each get fertilized by two different sperms, resulting in two zygotes in the uterus at the same tine
germinal period First two weeks after fertilization, during which the zygote moves down to the uterus and begins to implant in the lining
fetal period the time from about 8 weeks after conception until the birth of the child
critical period time during which certain environmental influences can have an impact on the development on the infant
teratogen Any factor that can cause a birth defect
schema In this case, a mental concept formed through experiences with objects and events
sensorimotor stage Piaget's first stage of cognitive development in which the infant uses its senses and motor abilities to interact with objects in the environment
Object permanence The knowledge that an object exists even when it is not in sight
preoperational stage Piaget's second stage of cognitive development in which you start to think symbolically and logically
egocentrism The inability to see the world through anyone else's eyes
conservation In piaget's theoy, the ability to understand that simply changing the appearance of an object does not change the object's nature
concrete operations stage Piaget's third stage of cognitive development in which the school age child becomes capable of logical thought processes but it is not yet capable of abstract thinking
Formal operation stage Piaget's last stage of cognitive development, in which the adolescent becomes capable of abstract thinking
temperament The behavioral characteristics that are fairly well established at birth, such as easy, difficult, and slow to warm up
ZPD What a child can do with the help of a teacher versus what a child can do alone
adolescence the period of life from about age 13 to the early 20s, during which a young person is no longer physically a child but is not yet an independent, self supporting adult
personal fable Type of thought common to adolescents in which young people believe themselves to be unique and protected from harm
imaginary audience type of thought common to adolescents in which young people believe that other people are just as concerned about the adolescent's thoughts and characteristics as they themselves are
Authoritative parenting Style of parenting in which parents combine warmth and affection with firm limits on a child's behavior
Identity versus role confusion Fifth stage of personality development in which the adolescent must find a consistent sense of self
activity theory theory of adjustment to aging that assumes older people are happier if they remain active in some way, such as volunteering or developing a hobby
generativity providing guidance to one's children or the next generation, or contributing to the well-being of the next generation through career or volunteer work
embryonic period the period from two to eight weeks after fertilization, during which the major organs and structures of the organism develop
what are some teratogens? alcoholism, smoking, use of drugs, nicotine, mercury, high doses of vitamin A, caffeine, toxoplasmosis (infection caused by a parasite), High water temperature:
what happens during physical development? Infants regulate their own temperature, respiratory system begins to function, develop reflexes
what happens during motor development? Children starts to roll over, crawl, walk, balance their head, and move more freely
what happens during brain development? brain has over 100 billion neurons,
synaptic pruning neurons decrease as unused synaptic connections and nerve cells make way for for functioning connections and cells
what happens during sensory development? Five senses develop quickly, except especially taste and smell
vygotsky's theory How social interactions and more high skilled people or adults are important for cognitive development
scaffolding the process by which a more skilled learner gives help to a less skilled learner, reducing help as the less skilled learner improves
Created by: 1396634897132773
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