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Text Features

Understanding Nonfiction Text Features

Cover The outside of a book
Title Name of a book. It tells you what the book is about
Subtitle The second, less important part of a book's title. It provides more information.
Author The writer of a book
Table of Contents A map of a book - it tells you the names of the chapters and what pages these chapters start on.
Page Number Tells you where you are in a book. Usually located at the bottom of a page.
Opening Sentences Very first sentences of a book - grabbing your attention and rev you up to keep reading.
Text Main section of writing on a page
Chapter Sections of a book - usually telling about a different part of the main topic
Caption Word or words that tell you about the picture
Photo Picture of something real taken with a camera
Sidebar Chunk of text that is separated from the main text giving readers extra information - usually appears along the side of the text and are often surrounded by boxes.
Italic Font that slants to the side. It tells readers a word is extra important and / or has special meaning.
Boldface Font that shows readers a word is difficult. Usually tells readers they can check the book's glossary to found out the word's meaning and pronunciation.
List Shows a series of things that are connected or are part of a set - often printed in a column.
Photo Comparison When two photos are placed side by side to show how things are alike and different.
Pie Chart A circle is divided into two or more pieces. The pieces tell you how the whole of something is made up.
Compass Rose Shows you which was is north, south, east, and west
Map Key Provides information that helps you read a map
Map A drawing of a place to help you see it in your head. Drawings can be of big areas (such as the world) or small areas (such as a town or even a street).
Bar Graph This uses colored bars to show you how two or more things compare to each other.
Labeled Photo Parts of a picture are marked with words. They help readers learn new words, notice details, and understand how things work.
Venn Diagram Chart formed by two overlapping circles - allowing you to compare different things or groups of things to see how they are alike and different.
Quotation Repeating the exact words that someone said - often comments from people who are experts.
Column A vertical list
Table Set of facts arranged in two or more columns
Closing Sentences Last sentences in the book - they wrap up the book and bring it to an end
Flow Chart Shows how things flow from one stage to the next - often the stages are numbered. Often shaped like a line or a circle
Definition What a word means
Pronunciation Key Tell you how to pronounce a word
Glossary Alphabetical list of difficult words along with their pronunciations and definitions - usually appears at or near the end of the book.
Index Provides readers with subjects and page numbers so they can quickly locate information contained in a nonfiction book. It is arranged in alphabetical order and often has two or more columns.
Created by: rmartin19
Popular Library Media sets




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