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psych U3M9

Neural anatomy

Neurons Indiv. cells that send and receive messages
Nerves bundled strands of interconnected axons of neurons
afferents nerves sending info to the spinal cord (sensory nerves)
efferents nerves sending info from the spinal cord (motor)
dendrite has synaptic connections with other neurons (receives messages)
cell body provides fuel and chemicals; analyzes input from other neurons.
axon extends from the cell body to the terminal buttons (passages messages)
axon terminals/terminal buttons forms junctions with other cells/releases neurotransmitters
2 functions of the myelin sheath and appearance to insulate axons and speed axon's impulses; covers the axon
glial cells holds neurons in place; nourishes and removes waste (makes up the myelin sheath)
resting potential polarization; small negative electrical charge in the membrane
action potential a neural impulse/depolarization (in action) positive electrical charge travels down an axon
all or nothing law neurons either react or they don't
absolute refractory period a period after firing when a neuron will not fire again
relative refractory period a period after firing when a neuron is returning to its normal polarized state and will fire again only if the incoming message is much stronger than usual.
what causes a threshold of excitation? excitatory signals must be stronger than inhibitory signals, energy/messages from other neurons link to a neuron
synaptic space the gap between the axon terminal and the dendrites between neurons
receptor sites on the receptor of a neuron; receives neurotransmitters
neurotransmitters chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gaps between neurons and bind to receptor sites on the receiving neurons.
acetylcholine motor movement and memory (alzheimers)
serotonin mood control (depression); lack of sleep/dreaming
dopamine influences movement, learning, pleasure (lack of: parkinson's, excess: schizophrenia)
endrophins has molecules similar to morphine that are linked to pain control and addictions. (the one that the agonist tries to mimic)
norepinephrine controls arousal, wakefulness
gaba a major inhibitory neurotransmitter
glutamate a major excitatory neurotransmitter
agonists mimics effect of neurotransmitter
antagonists blocks functioning of neurotransmitter
what happens to neurotransmitters after they do their job reabsorbed, recycled, or disposed
Graded potential temporary shift in the electrical charge caused by incoming messages
ions electrically charged particles
where do the positive and negative ions stand + ions go outside the cell membrane, - ions are inside cell membrane
synaptic vesicles oval sacs on axon terminals containing nerotransmitters
what is the threshold for neurons to fire? -60 to -65 m.u
Created by: allyson.lee
Popular Psychology sets




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