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Noncommissioned Officer Academy V3

How are concepts of communication preparation universal? The basic philosophy and guidance for effective writing and speaking are the same. Both involve getting started with the communication, subject research, support selection, and organizing
What is effective communication? receiver interpreting your message as you intended.
For what three reasons do we generally try to communicate with each other? direct, influence or inform our audience.
Explain the two audience concept as it applies to communication? Every communication has a sending and receiving audience. The sending audience is the group we represent, while the receiving audience is the group with whom we are communicating.
Name four resources for researching your subject. the library, the internet, reference books, and individuals.
List five categories of reference tools. Almanacs, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Thesauruses, E-resources
Name the five types of support and give a brief description of each. (1) Definitions explain or clarify unfamiliar items; (2) examples provide an illustration of what we are trying to communicate; (3) comparisons provide a reference to a similar and usually better known item; (4) testimony express the item through the word
In what manner did Socrates describe speech? How did this correlate to a speech structure? Socrates analogized the parts of a speech to a body of an animal having a head (Introduction), body, and tail (Conclusion).
Name five different patterns used when organizing a presentation. topical; time or chronological; reason; problem-solution; spatial or geographical; and cause-and-effect.
What three components are evaluated in the introduction of a written or spoken presentation? Purpose, motivation, and overview.
What outlining formats are mentioned in this lesson? scratch; formal; informal; and talking paper.
What do the terms "faulty analogy, “asserted conclusion”, “loaded question", and "non sequitur" have in common? They are examples of flaws, or fallacies in logic.
How are transitional devices valuable tools when arranging the elements of your message? can assist your audience in following your train of thought.
What are the accepted standards for the format of the printed presentation? 1Double space text.2Ensure all main points are adequately supported; paper lengths will vary depending on topic and/or requirements.3If computer-generated, use a 12 point, Times New Roman font; maintain one-inch margins all around; align text t
What section is used to evaluate punctuation, grammar, and spelling? Readability and mechanics
In which part of a speech or written presentation would you evaluate the use and integration of transitions? Organization
What are three responsibilities of commanders and supervisors-their staffs and subordinates-when it comes to organizational communication? Keep communication channels open, maintain an environment conducive to communication; and communicate effectively.
In what way can organization personnel verify whether they are engaging critically and constructively in the exchange of ideas? By completing a short, self-diagnostic exercise that reveals personal but applicable barriers to communicating.
What are the three areas to focus on when writing a paper? Technical accuracy and coverage, arrangement and flow, and readability and mechanics.
What are the three areas to focus on when preparing a speech? Technical accuracy and coverage, arrangement and flow,presentation and delivery.
Why is "extemporaneous" approach to speaking appealing? It is the least hostile and most intimate form of communicating with your audience. You are able to speak "off the cuff", but may also use speaking aids, such as index cards, outlines, etc.
Name and define barriers that can hinder effective communications? Organizational, language, managerial and psychological
What are the steps in overcoming communication barriers? 1 establish an organizational policy that defines lines of responsibility /authority, communications channels, provides a climate for effective communication, keeps key people informed. 2 Increase skills in written/oral expression
How do communications flow within an organization? Upward, downward and lateral
What is the result of communications having to pass through many organizational levels? Causes delay in communications and creates chances for distortion of the original message.
The misuse of abstractions and a lack of common core experience are main contributors to which communication barrier? Language Barriers
What is the difference between a concrete and an abstract noun? To object that humans can directly experience. They usually convey the same meaning to everybody. The other is one that tends to be vague and open to interpretation --its use often leads to confusion.
What is a clique? Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of a clique within an organization. Is the direct result of our social instinct to band together in groups. A clique can bind people together by enhancing unit morale. A clique can also take on a life of its own and become independent of organization objectives
What are the four steps in the process of writing? Prewriting, Drafting, Editing and Revising
What five steps are involved in the prewriting phase? Selecting your purpose and objective, Analyzing your audience, researching your subject, selecting a pattern, and outlining
When writing your draft, what areas should you focus on? Introduction, body, Conclusion,transitionsand support
During the editing phase, what specifically are you looking for? Look for basic grammatical errors/ correct format,check for complete paragraphs and sentences, then compare it to your outline to ensure you have included all of the main points and sub points you intended to cover.
Describe the revising phase. Is a finishing step to improve the communication based on the editing phase and the feedback from the reviewers. You revise or rewrite your draft to make it into a more formal presentation.
What is sentence unity? All the parts of the sentence matching in number, verb, possession, etc.
Briefly define the four types of sentences you should use throughout your written communication. Simple sentence-that expresses one complete thought.Compound sentence-A union of two or more simple sentences. Complex sentence-a simple sentence with a dependent clause attached to it.Compound-complex sentence-a combination of compound/complex sentence
Name the standard sentence mechanics you should be aware of when writing. Punctuation, capitalization and abbreviation
Briefly describe each of the common obstacles to sentence coherence. Faulty order of sentence parts/misplaced modifiers-parts are not in the correct order.Faulty parallelism-similar ideas/parts are not expressed in a parallel way.Faulty relationship of ideas-reader cannot tell the relationship of sente part due dangling mo
What are the three basic components of a paragraph? Topic sentence, support sentence and closing sentence
What is the basic concept of paragraph coherence? All of the paragraph parts should be arranged so that their relationship is clear to the reader.
What are some examples of transitional devices you can use to show a contrasting relationship? But, still, however, nevertheless and yet
Considering the point of view for your communication, describe how writing in the second person is done? Is the person spoken to; using the second person allows the writer to maintain some personal relationship with the reader.
Describe the three common forms of tense you will use in your communication. Past-express actions or makes a statement about something that happened in the past. Present-expresses action or makes a statement about something happening in the present time.Future-expresses action or make a statement about future time.
What does the voice of your writing indicate? Shows if the subject acts or is acted upon.
How do you use number to maintain paragraph coherence? If the controlling idea is singular, you keep all the references to it singular.
What is the basic idea behind writing a draft? The primary objective is to get your ideas down on paper in some form so you can edit and revise.
Each time your work is edited, what should the editor be reading for? Content, arrangement and flow and readability and mechanics
What is the definition of a bullet statement? A concise, written statement of a single idea or a single accomplishment and the impact.
What form of communication does the construction of a bullet statement resemble? Why the comparison of the two forms? The wording of a telegram. Since each word of a telegram costs the same, word economizing is integral to save money while ensuring message meaning; the same concept is applicable to developing bullet statements.
Name the types of bullet statements. Single idea and single accomplishment
Explain the following formula: SAB=SAC+2. A single accomplishment bullet consists of the following attributes: specific, accurate, concise, single accomplishment/achievement, and impact.
What are the attributes of an effective bullet statement? specific, accurate, and concise
What are the three most common uses for bullet statements in the Air Force? EPR, award/decoration nomination, talking paper
How many types of accomplishment bullet statements are there? Name them. There are three-action verb bullet; modified verb bullet; and specific achievement bullet.
What is an SIB? Single Idea Bullet
Where would you most likely use an SIB? Talking paper, point paper, or bullent background paper
Where would you most likely use an SAB? EPRs, Award/Decoration Nomination Package
What are the phases of the speaking process? Prewriting, drafting, editing, and presentation phase
When starting a presentation, what are some attention-getting devices you might consider? Rhetorical questions; direct questions; quotations; illustrations; a startling statement; unusual or dramatic devices; and refrences to the importance of the theme.
What is the definition of a rhetorical question? Is one requiring no answer; it's answer is usually obvious.
What is the purpose of the overview step in the process of speaking? Provides the audience with a road map of the information that is to follow.
What should be accomplished during the summary? Restate the main points, the relationship between points, and the specific objective of the presentation.
What devices are used to ensure the continuity of thought? Transitions and interim summaries
How many types of physical behaviors are there? Name them. Eye contact, body movement and gestures.
According to Dr. Kline, what properties of voice? Quality, intelligibility and variety.
Upon what factors does the intelligibility of a presentation depend? Articulation, pronunciation, vocal pauses, overuse of stock expressions, and substandard grammar.
What fundamentals of speech add variety to a presentation. Rate, volume, force pitch, and emphasis.
Created by: Wileyj11
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