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Dev Psych CH 1

CH 1 of Experiencing the Lifespan by Janet Belsky, ED 4

Cognitive Behaviorism (Social Learning Theory) Launched by Albert Bandura; Behavioral worldview that emphasizes that people learn by watching others and that our thoughts about the reinforcers determine our behavior; Focuses on charting and modifying people's thoughts
Developed World Most affluent countries. Defined by wealth, more advanced technology, access to education and health care
Developing World More impoverish countries. May not have indoor plumbing, clean water, or access to education and quality health care.
20th Century Life Expectancy Revolution Most dramatic increases in longevity that occurred approx 100 yrs ago due to public health improvements and medical advancements.
Average Life Expectancy A person's 50/50 chance at birth of living to a given age
Maximum Life Span About age 105. Biological limit of human life.
Emerging Adulthood New in between stage of life in affluent countries, made possible by longer lifespans. Phase of life beginning after high school and tapering off towards late 20s. Devoted to constructing an adult life and exploring our place in the world.
Cohort Age group we travel through life with.
Baby Boom Cohort 1946-1964
Contexts of Development Fundamental markers, including cohort, socioeconomic status, gender, and culture, that shape how we develop throughout the lifespan.
Non-normative Transitions Unpredictable or atypical life changes that occur during development. Ex: Death of a child, divorce, economic hardship.
Normative Transitions Predictable life changes that occur during development. Ex: Retirement, graduating high school, becoming a parent
Gerontology Scientific study of the aging process and older adults.
Reinforcement Behavioral term for reward. Opposite of extinction.
Variable Reinforcement Schedule According to B.F. Skinner, type of reinforcement that typically occurs in daily life. We get reinforced unpredictability, so we keep responding, realizing that if we continue, we will be reinforced.
Operant Conditioning According to B.F. Skinner, law of learning that determines any voluntary behavior. We act the way we do because we are reinforced for acting in that way.
Traditional Behaviorism Original behavioral worldview that focuses on charting and modifying only objective visible behaviors.
Individualistic Cultures Societies that prize independence, competition, and personal success. Encourage children to express their emotions.
Collectivist Cultures Societies that prize social harmony, obedience, and close family connectedness over individual achievement.
What countries most embody collectivist culture? Asia, Africa, South America
What countries most embody individualistic culture? Western World, United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia
Behavioral Genetics Field devoted to scientifically determining the role that hereditary forces play in determining individual differences in behavior.
Evolutionary Psychology Theory highlighting the role that inborn, species-specific behaviors play in human development and life.
What theory looks to nature - or genetics - to determine personality outcomes? Evolutionary Psychology
Attachment Theory Theory by John Bowlby that centers on crucial importance to our species survival of being closely connected with a caregiver during early childhood and being attached to a significant other during all of life.
What are Sigmund Freud's 3 Hypothetical Structures of Psychoanalytical Theory? Id, Ego, & Superego
Psychoanalytical Theory - Part 1 Theory by Sigmund Freud that believes our actions are dominated by unconscious problems, stemming from our childhood.
Psychoanalytical Theory - Part 2 According to Freud: 1. Humans are basically irrational. 2. Lifelong mental health depends on parents' caregiving during early life. 3. Self-understanding is the key to living a fulfilling adult life.
Id Present at birth, it is the mass of instincts, needs, and feelings we have when we arrive in the world.
Ego Rational part of personality that arrives in early childhood. It involves thinking, reasoning, planning, and fulfilling id desires in realistic ways.
Superego Moral arm of personality. It exists in opposition to the id.
Self-efficacy According to cognitive behaviorism, an internal belief in our competence that predicts whether we initiate activities or persist in the face of failures.
Modeling Learning by watching and imitating what other people do.
Bidirectionality The principle that people affect one another, or that interpersonal influences flow in both directions.
Active Forces The nature-interacts-with-nurture principle that our genetic temperamental tendencies and predispositions cause us to actively put ourselves into specific environments
Evocative Forces The nature-interacts-with-nurture principle that our genetic temperamental tendencies and predispositions evoke certain responses from other people.
Psychosocial Tasks Theorized by Erik Erikson, the challenges we face as we travel through the 8 stages of life. Each task builds upon the former stage. We cannot master issues of later stages without first accomplishing the developmental milestones of prior stages.
Epigenetics Research field exploring how our early life events alter the outer cover of our DNA, producing lifelong changes in health and behavior.
Person-Environment Fit The extent to which the environment is tailored to our biological tendencies and talents. Choosing an environment that brings out our human "best."
Accommodation In Piaget's theory, enlarging our mental capacities to fit input from the wider world.
"We change our thinking to fit the world" is an example of what concept? Accommodation
Cognitive Developmental Theory Jean Piaget's theory that from infancy to adolescence, children progress through 4 qualitatively different stages of intellectual growth.
Generativity Nurturing the next generation.
Developmental Systems Perspective All encompassing outlook on development that stresses the need to embrace a variety of theories, and the idea that all systems and processes interrelate.
Brofenbrenner's Ecological Model Model that highlights developmental systems perspective. Spells out multiple forces that interact at varying levels to shape a person's development. (ex: peers, religion, socioeconomic status, etc)
Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage Age 0-2. Baby manipulates objects to understand basics of physical reality.
Piaget's Preoperations Stage Age 2-7. Children's perceptions are captured by their immediate appearance. "What they see is real." Child will believe the same liquid poured into different sized containers has actually changed in amount.
Piaget's Concrete Operations Stage Age 8-12. Child can reason conceptually about concrete objects. Cannot yet think in scientific abstracts.
Piaget's Formal Operations Stage Age 12+. Full adult thinking. Thinking is hypothetical, scientifical, flexible, etc.
Assimilation In Piaget's theory, the first step to promoting mental growth, involving fitting environmental input to our existing mental capacities.
"We fit the world to our capacity or existing cognitive structure" is an example of what concept? Assimilation
Self-Report Strategy A measurement having people report on their feelings and activities through questionnaires.
Naturalistic Observation A measurement strategy that involves directly watching and coding behaviors.
Representative Sample Group that reflects the characteristics of the overall population.
Correlation Study Research strategy that involves relating two or more variables.
Qualitative Research Developmental science data-collection strategy that involves interviewing people to obtain information that cannot be quantified on a numerical scale.
Quantitative Research Standard developmental science data-collection strategy that involves testing groups of people and using numerical scales and strategies to categorize data.
Longitudinal Study Developmental research strategy that involves testing an age group repeatedly over a many year period.
Cross-Sectional Study Developmental research strategy that involves testing different age groups at the same time.
True Experiment Only research strategy that can determine that something causes something else. Involves randomly assigning people to different treatments and then looking at the outcome.
Created by: teamedwards84
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