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Brain-Friendly 4

Brain-Friendly Teaching- Principle 4: Emotion by Rylee Scharfetter

One of the 37 ways to elicit positive emotions: There are 206 available for students to participate in to help elicit positive emotions. Silly Sports
One of the 37 ways to elicit positive emotions: Activity in which the teacher guides students by using a script. Guided Imagery
One of the 37 ways to elicit positive emotions: A way to have fun with our posture! This activity shows us the impact our body positions have on us. Powering Posing
One of the 37 ways to elicit positive emotions: 5 things we encourage our students to do as a way to make themselves feel bette. Acts of Kindness
One of the 37 ways to elicit positive emotions: This activity lets students pick a few things they would like to have. Reminds me of Aladdin! Three Wishes
Which tool encourages teachers to inspire students and make content interesting? Tool 1: Teach with Passion
Which tool includes the following four ways to make the curriculum exciting? Choices, debates, curricular projects, challenges, and field trips. Tool 2: Elicit Passion
Which tool includes the principle known as retrograde memory enhancement and also wants us to connect feelings to the curriculum? Tool 3: Link Emotion to Content
Which tool suggests using the element of surprise when being given? Tool 4: Provide Praise
Which tool says we should give certain feedback after an individual or team has completed a task? Tool 5: Celebrate Success
Which tool is the "easiest, most powerful, research-based tool to create a brain-friendly classroom? Tool 6: Elicit Positive Emotion
"The brain is designed to remember anything associated with __________." Emotion
"A very large body of research proves that positive emotion of any kind increases memory, thinking, creativity, and __________ __________. " Problem solving
What do we need to understand first, before we can understand the magnitude of this revolution in brain science? Neuropeptides and peptide hormones
Positive emotions __________ our thinking; negative emotions __________ our thinking. Broaden; narrow
"Neuropeptides are produced in the heart, spleen, bone marrow, lymph glands, dorsal horn of the spine and even the stomach, giving new meaning to the term, "__________!" Gut Feeling
"The ability to respond to and remember what produces pain, fear, and pleasure keeps us" what? Alive
The way we structure interaction determines how well our students respond to instruction. True or false. True
This tool "releases dopamine [which] stimulates the attention and motivation centers in the brain." Tool 7: Promote Play
When should we elicit positive emotions? Before instruction
Created by: ryscharfetter
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