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Psychology Glossary

Stimuli An object or event that triggers a sensory or behaviour response.
Sensory Receptors A structure that reacts to physical stimulus in the environment
Receptive Field Is a particular region of the sensory space.
Transduction Is what takes place when many sensors in the body convert physical signals from the environment into nural signals for the brain.
Transmission Is how the nervous system transmit information across a synaptic gap
Cornea The Transparent Layer forming over the front of the eye
Pupil Is the Circular opening in the center of the iris which allows light to pass through the lens of the eye.
Iris A thin circular structure in the eye responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil.
Ciliary Muscles Is responsible for moving the lens for distance vision by expanding and controlling
Lens Behind the pupil and is enclosed in a thin transparent capsule
Retina A layer of light sensitive tissue located at the back of the eye. Images a focused at the back of the retina
Photoreceptors Are light sensitive cells that are find at the retina
Rods Allow black and white images, provides perhiphal vision and there are about 125 million rods
Cones Provide color vision, provides central vision and there is 6.5 million
Fovea/Macula Is a concentrated area of cone respecter on the retina
Optic Nerve Carries visual messages to the brain
Blindspot Is where the optic nerve leaves the eye
Gestalts Principles Is known as the Law of Simplicity which means every state is shown in its simplest form
Closure Is when we pervive an image as its full potential even if the image is not fully there
Camouflage Is when a color is matching its surrounding environment making it blend in.
Figure Ground Is when the eye differentiates the object from its environment
Similarity Is when objects look simular we often see them in groups or a pattern
Proximity Is when objects are close together are perceived as a group
Depth Cues Is a term that covers all visual cues that allow as to comprehend visual data.
Depth Perception Is to be able to see the world in 3D it is also responsible for showing the distance to an object.
Binocular depth Cue Requries us to have to eyes this allows to judge objects from certain distances
Convergence Is when your eyes have to move inward or converge to see depth properly
Retinal disparity Is your two eyes not seeing exactly the same thing
Accomodation Is revising already existing cognitive schemes , this then makes it so new information can be introduced and make sense.
Linear Perceptive Is a depth cue that is realted to size and the other cues.
Interposition Is a signal that tells you that a object is closer then another object by perceiving the image taking up most of the further image.
Texture Gradient Is when we can see by using one eye and not having to depend on both eyes.
Relative size Is a perceptual cue which shows us how close the object is to known size.
Brightness Constancy For visual objects to have the same brightness.
Size Constancy Is perceiving an object as being the same size even if it is further or closer.
Shape Constancy Is a shape being rigid but we perceive it as constant
Context Describes the influence of environmental factors
Past Experience Is a shape experience by making people sensitive to specific types of information.
Motivation Is an internal process which make the individual go for his or her goal.
Emotional State Is complex feelings which impact your physical and psychological state.
Culture Is the study of how psychological and behavior are imbedded into a specific culture
Taste receptors Are receptors that chemically react to food and saliva to produce taste
Taste Buds Are located on the tongue and at the back of the throat
Taste Pore Is the opening of the taste bud, The pore samples the environment
Tastant Is any chemical that simulates any cell in the taste bud.
Created by: Michael Plecas
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