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Classroom Management

Effective Clasroom Managment and Supervsion Milady Master educator 3rd edition

Classroom Management The purpose is to create a positive learning environment, which provides a pathway to success for students.
facilitate To bring about or make easier.
Positive environment Where the educator leads and inspires; performs routine duties; is positive, well organized, pleasant, and conducive to learning; educator is facilitating learning.
Good Management A classroom runs smoothly with no one paying attention to problems; has clearly defined procedures and consistent ways of doing things. Begins with the educator!
Professionalism in the classroom Educator must project a professional image, and positive attitude; develop a positive enthusiasm for learning; and establish credibility and authority in the classroom...should all be mirrored by the learner!
Lack of structure Causes most discipline problems, you must be structures and prepared to prevent problems.
Principles of Managing Behavior Establish written goals, Verbalize goals to students at start/orientations, and Management equals prevention.
Establish written goals Rules of conduct (dress code, cell phone, food /drink policies) , consequences for non-compliance (sent home, advising form, or loss of item), and where to find these things.
Verbalize goals Tell students on first day what the goals/expectations are and what will happen if you choose not to comply.
Management equals prevention Maintenance, consistency, modeling, and continually monitoring student behavior will prevent misbehavior.
Communication Make sure you tell the students what you expect and how you want them to behave, without them hearing it they can NOT do it! Dialogue and listening. Critical in dealing with c=various obstacles to learning.
Positive cooperation Will occur when the educator focuses on the positive behaviors rather than the negative behavior, as the saying goes "negative breeds negative"
Low profile Intervention Uses the least amount of time, effort, and force to control misbehavior; and is less disruptive.
High profile Intervention Requires more force, time, and effort; is necessary to be very direct and assertive; no single approach works best is all based on the student or educator.
Interventions Means of controlling misbehavior broken down into six simple techniques; Uniformity/Consistency, Ignore it, Name dropping, Close proximity, Eye contact, and Verbal desists.
Uniformity/Consistency Avoid sending conflicting messages by being as fair and equal as possible.
Ignore it If behavior is minor pretending it isn't happening sometimes can be better than creating a large fuss which is what the student may want.
Name dropping inserting the name of a student who is not behaving properly into the sentence you are currently using, it generally gets their attention but doesn't call attention to them by the other students.
Close proximity physical distance between you and the student; stand next to or close to the student in a non-threatening manner.
Eye contact Powerful means of controlling minor misconduct, The so called "mom look" that says stop it now!
Verbal desists Using a verbal cue or command to stop the behavior, Example would be to be silent or say if you can hear me clap twice.
Factors that determine your response Seriousness of the violation, timing and circumstance of the misbehavior, behavior history, nature of activity underway at the time of the misbehavior, and attitude and personality of the student
Seriousness of violation Could the behavior of the student cause injury to themselves or others? Was the behavior minor or major?
Timing and circumstance of misbehavior When did the student misbehave (morning, before or after lunch, or end of day); was an activity or learning in progress at the time?
Behavior History How has the student behaved in the past, is this new or chronic behavior?
Nature of activity underway at the time of the misbehavior Was there learning in progress, an activity for fun/learning, test, or maybe an in-between stage of the classroom.
Attitude and personality of the student how does the student usually respond to you and the other students in class, what is the students demeanor on a normal day?
Managing chronic Misconduct 4 types/ways; Reprimands, Change the consequences, Agreements or contracts, and Conferences
Reprimands can be applied with ease, brief and to the point, should occur as soon after the misconduct as possible, use clarification can caring to state why the behavior is wrong.
Change the consequences If it is determined that the established consequences are not effective they should be changed, depends on the amount of times a student violates the rules.
Agreements or contracts Verbal or written agreements used to follow up violations of rules. can be simple and state the conditions and length of agreement.
Conference Personal meeting where the educator and student discuss the behavior and how to fix it, may lead to additional meeting with advanced staff due to consist breaking of rules.
Academic Advising Advice (what is advised) Provides the student with feedback whether positive or negative; Academic progress, Attendance progress, Employment opportunities, Licensing and reciprocity regulations, Opportunities for continuing Education, personal problems that affect their progress.
Academic Advising (how to advise or wording) Must provide a meaningful exchange with the learner, should summarize progress, Address standards of conduct, discuss meeting or exceeding expectations, should agree on a plan of action to correct behavior, provide time for follow up, and Never opinion.
Learning Barrier Anyone or anything that prevents the learning process.
Situational Barrier One that is different than the behavior normally exhibited by the learner.
Chronic Barrier Occurs when learner behaves in a difficult manner consistently and affects the other learners in an uncomfortable way.
Learning Behaviors 9 Most common; Constant attention seeker, Chronic Tardy, Too shy to participate, Sleeping in class, Distracting side conversation, Doubt and pessimism, inattentiveness or preoccupation, Having all the answers, and Constant interruptions.
Constant Attention Seeker Student who constantly needs your attention providing it results in other students feeling favoritism exists in the classroom.
Chronic Tardiness Student who is consistently 5-10 minutes late, causing a disruption when they enter the room.
Too shy to Participate Student who has a lack of energy and passive attitude.
Sleeping in Class Student who closes their eyes, puts their head down, or nodding off in class.
Distracting Side Conversations Student who engages in conversation or just monopolizes a discussion in the classroom.
Doubt and Pessimism Student who has negative body language and constant argument that what you say is not going to work.
Inattentiveness or Preoccupation Student who seems to not focus or could be preoccupied on other activities.
Having all the Answers Student who has a comment for EVERYTHING!
Constant Interruptions Student who interrupts a presentation to share personal experience or just has a love to talk.
Created by: Frogs4hair
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