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What is the ideal location of the tip of an endotracheal tube. 5-7cm above be the carina
Which is another name for hyaline membrane disease Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome
Which is an upper respiratory inflammatory disease Croup
Which inflammatory disease of lower respiratory system appears in images as an encapsulated (opaque) mask with air fluid levels Lung abcess
Which respiratory disease has the Ghon lession as an image characteristic. Tuberculosis
A lung abcess is a ____________ Necrotic area containing purulent material
The lower respiratory system consist of Trachea, bronchi, bronchioli
The thin wall sac where oxygen & carbon dioxide are exchanged with blood in the pulmonary circulatory system are Alveoli's
Which complication may occur as a result of central venous catheter insertion or misplacement All of the above
What is Croup Viral infection of the subchorionic region of the trachea
What do you call swelling of the epiglottis tissue commonly caused by the flu. Epiglottitis
Which lung disease increases volatile microbes because of ease of transmission and increased fatality rate? Anthrax
The general term used to describe obstruction off airway leading to ineffective exchange of respiratory gases COPD
To best demonstrate pulmonary embolism, which non invasive modality is used Hi Res CT
Name which condition has diminished air within lungs associated with reduced lung volume Atelactacsis
What do you call the smooth muscle contraction used to move contents of the digestive system along the GI tract Peristalsis
What is the most common cause of acute esophagitis Gastroesophageal Reflux
What is strongly correlated with esophageal carcinoma Smoking and excessive drinking
Identify Esophageal Diverticulum from a picture
What is the name of the chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown cause that affects the terminal ilium Crohns Syndrome
Common disorder of interstinal motor activity, in which fluid & gas do not progress normally to through an unobstructed vowel to _______ Adynamic ileaus
Which is a major cause of bowel obstruction in children Intessuception
Appendicitis is most common in which age group Children and adolescents
What has a typical saw tooth configuration in a barium enema exam is evidence of ________ Colon diverticula ---- Identify it from picture
What technique is used with patient's with liver cirrhosis complicated with ascites Increase technique (only increases kvp)
Which is a sign of perforation of the GI tract Pneumoperitoneum
T/F: Gerd is a complication of hiatal hernina True
What is the telescoping of one part of intestinal tract and another one_______ Intessuception
What is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis Excessive alcohol consumption
Most common cause of acute Gastrointestinal bleeding Peptic ulcer disease
Name & Identify all types of fractures. Incomplete - Minor horizontal break on one side (not all the way through) 2. Transverse - Horizontal jagged break all the way through 3. Oblique - Angled side by side fracture all the way through 4. Spiral - Angled fracture all the way through not a
Created by: Marby
Popular Radiology sets




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