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Management Daft

Managment ch 14 daft

Organizational Behavior An interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of how individuals and groups tend to act in organizations. Understanding this-->Organizational Citzenship
Organizational Citizenship Tendency for people to help one another and put in extra effort that goes beyond job requirements to contribut to org's success. (builds social capital, helps with customers)
Attitude An Evaluation: Either Positive or Negative. Predisposes a person to act in a certain way. Understanding Empoyee Att important cuz determines how people perceive work enviornment, interact w/ others, behave on job.
Positvive Attitude = Characterisitic most common to top executives is optimistic attitude. Managers strive to develp and reinforce positive attitudes leading to more effective, productive, happier,employees.
Components of Attitude: 1. Cognitive 2. Affective 3. Behavioral 1. Cognitive: thoughts(beliefs, opinions, information on that subject) 2. Affective: Feelings (emotions or feelings on a subject. i hate/love job) 3. Behavioral: Intention to act (person's intentions to behave toward the object)
Organizational Commitment Company Man. Refers to an employee's loyalty to and engagement with the organization. (heavy involvment in one's organization. High degree or low degree.
Conflicts Among Attitudes (Cognitive Dissonance) A psychological discomfort. A condition in which two attitudes or a behavior and an attitude conflict. ie. work life and family life
Perception I Is the cognitive processs people use to make a sense out of the environment. Attitudes affect perceptions & vice attitude: managers R arrogant created via perceiving arrogance behavior. ie.student perceives assignment challenging other as silly
Perception II The cognitive process people use to make sense out of the environment by selcting, organizing, and interpreting information.
Perceptual Selectivity Process by which individuals screen and select the various stimuli that vie for their attention. People pay attention to what they want or what stands out. Primacy: First impressions. Recency: most recent interaction.
Perceptual Distortions Errors in perceptual judgment that arise from inaccuracies in any part of the perceptual process.Stereotyping. Halo Effect. Projection:think employee has same goals values.Perceptual Defense:Protect yourself via disregarding things that are threatening.
Attributions Judgments about what caused a person's behavior-either characteristics of the person or of the situation. Internal: Boss yelled cause he's impatient External: Boss yelled cause customer upset Attributions help people decide where problem from/how handl
Attributions 1. Distinctiveness 2. Consistency 3. Consensus 1. D: Is behavior unusual. If behav is unusual perceiver will attribute to external. 2. Consistency: person has a history of behaving this way. internal attribute 3. Consensus: Do others react/handle similarly. External
Fundamental Atrribution Error Underestimate External factors and overestimate influence of internal factors.
Self Serving Bias Tendency to overestimate internal factors to one's successes and external factors on one's failures
Personality Set of Characteristics that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior in respones to ideas, objects, or people.
Personality Traits 1. Extroversion 2. Agreeableness 3. Conscientiousness 4. Emotional Stability 5. Openess to Experience 1. (degree of) outgoing, socialble assertiveness 2. able to get along with others 3. focused. responsible, achivement orientated 4. calm, enthyusiastic, self-confident vs tense, depressed, moody, insecure 5. creative, imaginative, consider new ide
Locus of Control Place primary responsibility for one's success or faliure wither within one's control (internal) or outside forces (external)
Authoritarianism Belief that power and status differences should exist within organization. Indiv high degree of Auth concerned with power and toughness. Critically judge others. Trend is decline in strict authori in many orgs
Machiavellianism Tendency to direct much of one's behavior toward the acquisition of power & manipulation personal gain. High Machs are capable of lying for personal goals, win in win-lose situations, .Low machs wants structure. high machs want negotiating w/ rewards.
Stress A physiological and emotional response to stibuli that place physical or psychological demands on an individual
Type A Behavior Type B Behavior A: Extreme competitiveness, impatience, aggressiveness, devotion to work (Powerful forces for innovation/leadership also lead to strees related issues) B: Lacks Type A tratis, more balanced, relaxed, lifestyle.
Role Ambiguity Uncertainty about what behaviors are expected of a person in a particular role. Task demands are not clear causes stressors
Interpersonal Demands (role conflict) Stressors associated with relationships in the org. Role conflict: incompatible demands from others
Created by: lorenkaiser1
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