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Test 3->Pharmacology


all nervous tissue outside the CNS, sensory and motor divisions peripheral nervous system
provides voluntary control over skeletal muscles somatic nervous system
involuntary control over SNS and PNS autonomic nervous system
this system is activated under condition of stress (fight or flight), vasoconstriction: causes increase in HR, BP, & glucose production by liver, more blood shunted to the skeletal muscle, broncho-dilation, increased circulation & pupil dilation sympathetic nervous system
____ ____ sympathomimetics bind directly to the receptor & causes a physiologic response (epinephrine) direct acting
____ ____ sympathomimetics is an adrenergic drug that when given, causes release of the catecholamine from the storage sites in the nerve endings which then binds to the receptors & causes a physiologic response indirect acting
___ ___ sympathomimetics both directly stimulate the receptor by binding to it & indirectly stimulates the receptor by causing the release of the neurotransmitter stored in the vesicles in the nerve endings (ephedrine) mixed acting
known as sympathomimetics (mimic), stimulate SNS, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine adrenergic agents
norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine are known as ____ catecholamines
norepinephrine and epinephrine are ____ neurotransmitters
____-____ receptors cause vasoconstriction of the blood vessels & vasodilator pupils (mydriasis) alpha-1
___-___ receptors increase HR and force of heart contraction and release of renin beta-1
___-___ receptors are found in the lungs (bronchodilator) & peripheral blood vessel vasodilate beta-2
___-___ receptors stimulate more than one type of adrenergic receptor sites non-selective
adrenergic nerve endings release ____ when stimulated norepinephrine
____ attaches to adrenergic receptors norepinephrine
norepinephrine then passes back into granules of nerve endings to be reused or destroyed by ___ MAO
___ is an enzyme within the adrenergic nerve that metabolizes norepinephrine MAO
___-___ receptors are used in the treatment of nasal congestion or hypotension, & causes mydriasis during an eye exam alpha-1
___-___ receptors are bronchodilators, uterine relaxants, causes stimulation in the liver with glycogenolysis & increases renin secretion in the kidneys, vasodilates skeletal muscles of blood vessels beta-2
___-___ adrenergic receptors when stimulated causes positive inotropic effect, chronotropic effect, dromotropic effect beta-1
these stimulate the nervous system, constricts peripheral blood vessels, increases HR, dilates pupils, & dilates the bronchial catecholamines
these treat shock, cardiac arrest or respiratory difficult, reduces IOP adrenergic drugs: sympathomimetic drugs: norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine
isoproterenol, dobutamine, & phyenylephrine are synthetic adrenergic drugs
these drugs are agonists because they bind to receptors & cause a response adrenergic drugs: norepinephrine and dopamine
releases by adrenal medulla, released during stress or fight/flight reactions, both stimulate internal organs & increase SNS epinephrine & norepinephrine
increases BP, directly metabolizes to dopamine, used in treating hypotension and shock norepinephrine
HA, restlessness, excitement, insomnia, euphoria, palpitations, HTN, hypotension, dry mouth, N & V, taste changes, dysrhythmias, tachycardia, anorexia, hyperglycemia are all side effects of alpha adrenergic drugs
HA, tremors, nervousness, dizziness, increased HR, palpitations, dysrhythmias, BP fluctuations, N & V are all side effects of beta adrengergic drugs
___ drugs have no alpha properties but dilates bronchi and can affect body systemically beta adrenergic
sympathomimetics, neurotransmitter in brain, known as dopaminergic receptor, the only receptor to stimulate these sites, precursor in synthesis of NE in adrenergic nerve endings: beta agonist/alpha agonist-dose dependent dopamine/Intropin beta-1 adrenergic
a low dose dilates renal, brain, mesentery & heart vessels=increased blood flow: higher doses stimulate alpha receptors/vasoconstrictor, increase CO, improve contracility, renal vasoconstriction dopamine
contraindications to dopamine include ____ ____ and ___ ___ circulatory shock and low BP
a selective beta-2 adrenergic bronchodilator, short acting, used to relieve bronchospasm, asthma, COPD, protection against exercised-induced asthma, can induce hypokalemia in pts w/ renal failure Albuterol Sulfate (proventil, ventolin)
this can cause tachycardia, shakiness, hyperkinesis, N & V, reactive bronchospasm, drowsiness, aggression, fluid retention, dry mouth, HTN, increased apetite, difficulty breathing, nose bleed, nightmares, rash, insomnia, anxiety, flushing, HA albuterol sulfate (proventil, ventolin)
a long-acting beta2 adrenergic receptor agonist, a bronchodilator; works by relaxing muscles in the airways to improve breathing, currently prescribed for long term maintenance treatment of asthma & COPD, prevention of bronchospasms, not for active asthma Salmeterol or Serevent
this drug is metabolized by the liver & should be used with caution in patients w/ liver dysfunction: it is also not meant to be used in treating acute asthma attacks, should be used 30-60 minutes before exercise, & does not take the place of corticoster. Salmeterol
side effects of this drug include palpitations, tachycardia, elevated BP, tremor, nervousness, & HA: throat & upper airway irritation can occur Salmeterol
this drug is a natural plant alkaloid that is obtained from the Ephedra plant, decongestant, sympathomimetic drug used as nasal decongestant that has both alpha & beta adrenergic properties, responsible for causing vasoconstriction in nasal mucosa pseudoephedrine/ sudafed or afrin
produces shrinkage of the mucose which promotes easier nasal breathing & reduced nasal secretion, excessive use can lead to greater congestion b/c of rebound phenomenon that occurs when use of product is stopped pseudoephedrine/ sudafed or afrin
do not use this drug if you are allergic, have DM, HTN, thyroid disorders, or enlargement of the prostate gland pseudoephedrine/ sudafed or afrin
adverse effects of this drug include CNS stimulation, sleeplessness, nervousness, excitability, dizziness, anxiety, paranoid psychosis, tachycardia, stroke pseudoephedrine/ sudafed or afrin
a sympathomimetic drug /vasoactive adrenergic, cardioselective effects->beta1 selective vasoactive drug, direct stimulation of beta1 receptors of SNS, only give IV, used in treatment of heart failure & cardiogenic shock, & to treat orthostatic hypotension dobutamine
increases cardiac output by increasing contractility (positive inotropy) which increases stroke volume esp. in patients with heart failure dobutamine
side effects of this drug include upset stomach, vomiting, tingling sensations, fever, leg cramps, HA, irregular heartbeat, increases BP & HR, chest pain, SOB, swelling of the lower legs & ankles, increased fatigue, dizziness, skin rash dobutamine
blocking the receptor sites cause the site to be less receptive to the SNS drugs b/c they have a higher affinity for the alpha adrenergic receptors: competitive blockade is reversible sympatholytic drugs or adrenergic blockers/antagonists
bind to the adrenergic receptor & in turn block stimulation of SNS at the alpha receptors which leads to vasodilation (relaxing of vascular smooth muscle), decreases BP, miosis or constricts pupils alpha adrenergic blockers/ sympatholytics
____ dilated arterioles in the brain are often responsible for causing vascular headaches such as migraines constricting
____ arteries in the brain causes the migrain headache dilated
these are used to control postpartum & post abortion bleeding caused by uterine relaxation & enlargement: these drugs will increase the uterine contraction & induce local vasoconstriction alpha blockers
can cause both arterial & venous dilation, given to pts w/ BPH to decrease resistance to urinary outflow & reduces urinary obstruction, used to treat skin necrosis & sloughing after extravasations of vasopressors like norep. & ep. alpha blockers
drug blocks alpha1 adrenergic receptors, reduces peripheral vascular resistance, decreases BP by dilating arterial & venous blood vessels, reduces urinary obstruction in men w/ BPH, treats HTN, relaxes smooth muscles prazosin/minipress
1st time on this drug, pts get very lightheaded & can pass out which causes orthostatic hypotension, initial dose taken at bedtime, miosis/constriction, nasal congestion/vasodilation, increased GI activity, tachycardia, fainting prazosin/minipress
alpha blocker that reduces peripheral vascular resistance used to treat HTN, BP, & in diagnosis of a catecholamine secreting tumor, used to treat skin necrosis, given SQ in a circular fashion phentolamine
blocks epi. & norep., decreases HR, slows conduction through AV node, prolongs SA node recovery, decreases myocardial O2 demand & contractility, lowers BP by vasodilating arterioles, treats angina, causes bronchioles to constrict (SOB) beta blockers
the _____ can impair secretion of insulin from the pancreas and increase ___ ___ and increase levels of triglycerides nonspecific beta blocker: blood glucose
nonselective beta1 & beta2 blocking drug used for the treatment of angina, HTN, tachydysrhythmias assoc. w/ cardiac glycoside intoxication & treats hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, migraines: propranolol/inderal
do not give this to bronchial asthma patients propranolol/inderal
also known as Lopressor or Toprol XL, a beta1 blocker used in post MI pts, has shown to increse survival after MIs metaprolol
cardioselective beta blocker that is used to prevent future MIs in pts who have had an MI, used in treatment of HTN and angina, given oral and IV Atenolol Tenormin
very potent short acting beta1 blocker, used in acute situations to provide rapid temporary control of the ventricular rate in pts w/ supraventricular tachydysrhythmias such as a-fib and a-flutter, has a short half-life so give IV esmolol
neurotransmitter of parasympathetic nervous system is ____ acetylcholine
____ is produced and stored w/in cholinergic nerve endings, attaches to cholinergic receptors, increses bodily activity acetylcholine
inactivates/breaks down Ach only when outside a nerve ending, & not on a receptor acetylcholinesterase
___ ___ is responsible for breakdown of Ach cholinesterase enzyme
____ ____ is not used because it is destroyed immediately by administration straight Ach
Ach effects all 3 receptors which are called ___,___,& ___ muscarinic, nicotinic I, & nicotinic II
these drugs regulate, stimulate, & increse bodily functions, works mainly during rest, digestion, & waste elimination cholinergic drugs
these drugs are used to reduce intraocular pressure in pts w/ glaucoma, treat various GI & bladder disorders, diagnose & treat miasthenia gravis, treat alzheimer's dz, & dry mouth cholinergic drugs
cholinergic poisoning = _____ SLUDGE (salivation, lacrimation, urinary incontinence, diarrheae, GI cramps, & emesis
directly bind to Ach receptors and causes stimulation direct acting PNS cholinergic agonist
protects Ach from being broken down by ACHE (acetylcholinesterase) making more of this neurotransmitter action indirect acting PNS cholinergic agonist
inhibits the action of acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down Ach, known as cholinesterase PNS cholinergic agonists
direct acting parasympathomimetic/cholinergic drug, interacts w/ muscarinic receptor to cause PSN stimulation, affects the digestive & urinary tracts, stimulates smooth muscle contraction, helps pt to void, causes sphincter relaxation, never IM/IV Bethanechol HCL (Urecholine)
do not give this to pts w/ hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcers, active bronchial asthma, cardiac dz or CAD, epilepsy, parkinsonism Bethanechol HCL (Urecholine)
causes increased salivation, sweating, abdominal cramping, hypotension, fainting Bethanechol HCL (Urecholine)
work by making more Ach at receptor site, inhibit the enzyme cholinesterase & allow accumulation of Ach at receptor sites, improves muscle strength & reduce IOP in pts w/ glaucoma, treatment of bladder disorders & myasthenia gravis, can cause insomnia indirect acting cholinergic agonists/cholinesterase inhibitors
drug works by increasing Ach concentration at the receptor sites stimulating the effector cells, cause skeletal muscle contraction, improves muscle strength, ability to inhibit AChE physostigmine/Antilirium (indirect acting cholinergic drug)
the antidote for anticholinergic poisoning and irreversible cholinesterase inhibitors, do not give to pts w/ hyperthyroidism,PUD, active asthma, CV dz, epilepsy, bradycardia, give IV & topically physostigmine/Antilirium (indirect acting cholinergic drug)
used in treatment of alzheimer's dz, works centrally in brain by increasing Ach levels in brain by inhibiting AChE, given once a day PO Donepezil Aricept (indirect acting anticholinesterase drug)
used in treatment of myasthenia gravis, useful for reversing effects of nondepolarizing agents after surgery, do not give to pts w/ hyperthyroidism, PUD, asthma, CV dz, epilepsy, bradycardia, PO or IV pyridostigmine (mestinon) (indirect acting cholinergic drug)
when there is not enough Ach to adequately stimulate receptors to skeletal muscle tone & help to reverse severe muscle weakness; therefore, an anticholinesterase drug is given to increase the availability of Ach myasthenia gravis
in the initial treatment of myasthenia gravis, oral ___ or ___ should be started at a dosage smaller than that required to produce maximum strength, & daily dosage gradually increased at intervals of 48 hrs or more Pyridostigmine (mestinon): Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
protect Ach from being broken down by AChE making more neurotransmitter to act with receptor cholinesterase inhibitors (indirect acting parasympathomimetics)
increasing muscle weakness, thorough involvement of the muscles of respiration, may cause death, fever, visual changes, difficulty swallowing, psychomotor agitation cholinergic crisis
agents that block the action of neurotransmitter Ach at the muscarinic receptors in the PSNS cholinergic blocking agents
heart, respiratory tract, GI tract, urinary, bladder, eyes, exocrine glands are major sites of ____ anticholinergics
large doses of cholinergic blocking agents ____ HR. small doses of cholinergic blocking agents ____ HR. increase/decrease
dilates pupils (mydriasis), increases IOP, decrease secretions of gastric acid, slow intestinal motility, GU system decreased bladder contraction (urinary retention), relaxation of bronchi (bronchial dilation), dry mucus membranes cholinergic blocking agents
treats PUD, IBS, improved asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis, treats incontinence, parkinson dz by decreasing muscle rigidity & diminishing tremors, GI hypersecretion cholinergic blocking agents
adverse effects include increased HR, CNS excitation, dilated pupils, photophobia, urinary retention, dry mouth & eyes, decreases GI & respiratory secretions cholinergic blocking agents
the immediate use of ___ is recommended in cholinergic crisis atropine (antimuscarinic)
drug may also be used to abolish GI side effects or other muscarinic reactions: but overuse can lead to inadvertent induction of cholinergic crisis atropine (antimuscarinic)
muscarinic receptor blockade, blocks parasympathetic actions of Ach, treats muscarinic agonist poisoning, treats overdose of Bethanechol, cholinesterase inhibitors or ingestion of mushrooms, treats hypermotility dz of GI/IBS, treats bradycardia atropine(antimuscarinic)
dilates pupils for eye exam, used preoperatively to reduce salivation & GI secretions, do not give to pts with angle closure glaucoma, certain types of asthma, liver or renal dysfunction, given IV, tablet, PO, eye solutions atropine (antimuscarinic)
side effects of this include dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, increased HR, contraindicated in pts with glaucoma atropine (antimuscarinic)
synthetic anticholinergic drug resembles both atropine & diphenhydramine (Benadryl), has anticholinergic & antihistamine properties, used to treat parkinson's dz, phenothiazine induced extrapyramidal reactions Benztropine Mesylate/Cogentin
do not give this to pts with narrow angle glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, urinary retention, hx of PUD, megacolon or prostate hypertrophy, or in children under 3 Benztropine Mesylate/Cogentin
new muscarinic receptor blocker now widely promoted to treat urinary frequency, urgency,& urge, incontinence caused by bladder detrusor over activity, causes lower incidence of dry mouth, do not give to pts w/ narrow angle glaucoma or liver problems, PO Tolterodine or Detrol
constipation, urinary retention, impaired oral mucous membrane, decreased cardiac output are all Nursing Dx. for ____ anticholinergics
Created by: jennk4
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