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A mental illness where contact with reality and insight are impaired,a type of psychosis Schizophrenia
atypical symptoms experienced in addition to normal experiences positive symptoms
atypical experiences which represent the loss of a usual experience Negative symptoms
2 examples of positive symptoms of schizophrenia Hallucinations and delusions
2 examples of negative symptoms of schizophrenia Avolition and speech poverty
Avolition a loss of motivation to carry out tasks and results in lowered activity levels
a positive symptom of sz, beliefs that have no basis in reality for example that the sufferer is someone else or that they are the victim of a conspiracy Delusions
a negative symptoms of SZ. the reduces frequency and quality of speech speech poverty
the two major systems for the classification of a mental disorder DSM-5 and ICD-10
who checked the reliability of DSM-5 and ICD-10 by getting doctors to diagnose 100 patients using each criterion chineax et al 2009
what did Chineaux find about the diagnosis of SZ poor inter rater reliability as they diagnosed different people with sz according to the different criterion
what are the 3 biological explanations for schizophrenia Genetics, dopamine hypothesis and neural correlates
what was the original dopamine hypothesis hyPERdopaminergia in the sub cortex (high levels of dopamine)
what is the more recent version of the dopamine hypothesis hyPOdopaminergia in the cortex (low levels of dopamine~)
neural correlates patterns of activity or function in the brain that may occur in conjunction with an experience and may be implicated in the origins of that experience
what are the three psychological explanations for schizophrenia Family disfunctions, cognitive explanations and dysfunctional thought processing
abnormal processes within a family such as poor family comunication, cold parenting and high expressed emotions could cause the development and maintanence of schizophrenia Family disfunctions
dysfunctional though processing a general term which means information processing is not functioning normally and so causes undesirable consequences
cognitive explanations explanations that focus on ental processes such as thinking ,language and emotion
the scizophrenegenic mother according to from -reich mann the schizophrenegenic mother is cold, controlling and creates a family climate characterised by tension and secrecy. literally mean schizophrenia causing mother
double bind theory Gregory Bateson et al 1972 family climate affects sz. but emphasis on communication.
main idea of the double bind theory child finds themselves trapped in situations where they fear doing the wrong thing but receive mixed messages about what is right and wrong and cannot comment on unfairness of situation. - leads to disorganised thinking
family dysfunctions abnormal processes within the family such as poor communication, cold parenting and high levels of emotion. all risk factors for the development and maintanence of sz.
Biological treatment for sz drug therapy, typical and a typical anti psychotics. tablet or injection form
typical antipsychotics chlorprozamine
atypical antipsychotics clozapine and resperidone
negative point of drug therapy can cause serious side effects
3 psychological therapies for sz. family therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and token economy
family therapy a therapy for sz in which all or some family members are present. aimed at reducing stress and improving communication in the family
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) a method of treating mental disorder focusing both on cognitive and behavioural techniques. cognitive includes dealing with thinking such as negative/ irrational thoughts.
A type of behavioural therapy where behaviours are encouraged by the use of selective reinforcement token economies
negative of psychological treatments treatments help patients to cope with their symptoms but cannot actually cure them
The interactionist approach to explaining sz. involves an underlying vulnerability and a triggering stressor. the diathesis stress model
interactionist way of treating sz. combining drug therapy and CBT
Doglous Turkington et al (2006) points out......... it is perfectly possible to believe in biological causes of sz yet carry out CBT to relieve psychological symptoms
who supports the effectiveness of combining treatments Nicholas tarrier et al (2004)
who came up withthe original diathesis stress model Meehl (1962)
main point of the original diathesis stress model vulnerability is entirley gentic and down to the posessionn of a single schizogene
what does the schizogene lead to a schizotypic personality including sensitivity to stress
Ripke et al (2014) modern understanding of diathesis there are many genes which can cause vulnerability to sz. so the "schizogene" theory is wrong
Modern veiw of stress in the diathesis stress model stress can be biological or psychological in nature
read et al (2001(=) suggestion about the diathesis proposed a neurodevelopmental model in which early trauma alters the developing brain eg child abuse can make the hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal (HPA)system overactive.
Created by: Madz99
Popular Psychology sets




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