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occipital lobes

Where is the location of the occipital lobes? Beneath the occipital bone and is distinguished from the parietal lobe by the parietal-occipital sulcus
What are the landmarks in the occipital lobes? The calcerrine sulcus (devides upper and lower halves), vertral surface (lingual gyrus,fusiform gyrus)
How many different visual areas are there? 9
Where are colour functions distributes? across most of occipital cortex but v4 especially - indicates that colour vision is required for other visual functions, depth, motion, object recognition
What does the V1: primary visual cortex ( striate cortex) do? receives input from the LATERAL GENICULATE NUCLEUS of the thalamus. Projects to all other occipital regions. First level of hieracrhy
what does the v2 do? secondary level of hierarchy. also projects to all other occipaital regions
What are the 3 parallel pathways the develop? 1Parietal pathway - dorsal stream. 2 inferior temporal pathway -ventral stream. middle pathway
What does the parietal pathway do? Visual guidance of movement (where)
What does the inferior temporal pathway do? object perception and colour
What does the middle pathway do? perhaps visuospatial functions
What happens when v4 is damaged. colour area. only see in grey - fail to perceive and recall colours
What happens when v5 is damaged? unable to see things in motion
what happens if v3 is damaged? affect percpetion
What is apperceptive agnosia? unable to distinguish visual shapes - trouble recognisinf,copying or discriminating between different visual stimuli
What is simultagnisia? ability to percieve shape of object but can't percieve more than one shape at a time
What causes apperceptive agnosia? bilateral damage to the lateral parts of the occipital lobes. including areas sending output to ventral stream. lower level of processing
What is associative agnosia? inability to recongise objects despite apparent percpetion of object
What causes associative agnosia? damage in the ventral stream by anterior temporal lobes
What is prosopgnasia? inability to recongise faces?
What causes prosopagnosia? bilateral damage in theregion below the calcarine fissure at the temporal junction
What is alexia? the inability to read
What is the cause of alexia? probably damage to leftt fusiform and lingual gyru
WHat is visuospatial agnosia? disorders spatial perception and orientation
What is topographic disorientation? inability to find ones way in familiar environments
What is the cause of viseospatial agnosia? damage to the right medial occipito-temporal region inculding the fusiform and lingual gyris
Created by: Jem S
Popular Psychology sets




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