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Shakespeare vocab

Act 1-5

Accord To be in agreement or harmony
Partisans swords
Pernicious causing insidious harm or ruin
Covertly Concealed, secret; disguised
Disparaging to speak of or treat slightingly
Galling Chasing, irritating, vexing
Virtuous Conforming to moral and ethical principles
Wantonly deliberate and without motive or provocation
Profane characterized by irreverence or sacred principles o
Portentous an indication of something about to happen
an if
mark notice
hither here
wither where
thither there
beseech beg
wherefore why
prithee please
soft wait
ere before
hie hurry
withal also
aught anything
save except
but only
Air An impression of a quality or manner given by someone
Baleful Full of menacing or malign influence
Chide To express disapproval of
Entreaty Earnest request or petition
Forsake To quit or leave entirely
Idolatry Extreme devotion
Intercede To act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble
Rancor Bitter, rankling resentment or ill will
Repose The state of reposing or being at rest
Utter Give audible expression to
ascend to rise to a higher point
beguile to influence by trickery, flattery
calamity A great misfortune or disaster
dexterous skillful or adroit in the use of the hands or body
discord Lack of harmony between two people or things
dissemble To give a false or misleading appearance to
feint A movement made in order to deceive an adversary
perjury The willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation
submissive inclined or ready to submit or yield to the authority of another
vexation The act to irritate and annoy
dirge A funeral song or tune expressing mourning of the dead
inundate To flood or cover
lament To feel or express sorrow or regret for
melancholy A gloomy state of mind, especially when depressed
pensive Dreamily or wistfully thoughtful
prostration The act of submission or defenseless
resolute Firmly resolved or determined
stark Sheer or complete
supple bending readily and limber
treachery violation of faith
cordial Courteous or gracious
dispatch To send off or away with speed
engrossed To occupy completely
inauspicious Unpromising or unlikely to succeed
interred To place a dead body into a grave or tomb
penury extreme poverty
peruse To read thoroughness and care
presage A sign or warning that something will happen
rigor Strictness and harshness
thwart hinder or prevent from happening
Created by: 981161300
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