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Occurs when an individual has a less common characteristic, for example being more depressed or less intelligent than the rest of the population statistical infrequency
concerns behaviour which is different from the accepted standards of behaviour in a community or society Deviations form social norms
Occurs when someone is unable to cope with ordinary demands of everyday living failure to function adequately
Occurs when someone does not meet a set of criteria for good mental health Deviation from ideal mental health
Statistical infrequency, deviations form social norms, failure to function adequately, deviation from ideal mental health The four definitions of abnormality
an irrational fear of an object or situation Phobia
behavioural Characteristics of phobias Panic, Avoidance and Endurance
Emotional characteristics of phobias anxiety/fear
Cognitive characteristics of phobias selective attention, irrational beliefs, cognitive distortion
a mental disorder characterised by low mood and low energy levels Depression
emotional characteristics of depression lowered mood, increased anger and lowered self esteem
behavioural characteristics of depression increased aggression/self harm, decreased activity levels, disruption to sleep/eating
Cognitive characteristics of depression attending to and dwelling on the negative, poor concentration, absolutist thinking
a condition characterised by obsession and/or compulsive behaviour Obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd)
behavioural characteristics of ocd comulsions and avaoidance
emotional characteristics of ocd anxiety, accompanying depression and guilt
cognitive characteristics of ocd obsessive thoughts, cognitive coping stratagies, and isight into excessive anxiety
behavioural approach to exaplaining phobias two process model - aquisition by classical conditioning, maintanence by operant cinditioning
systematic desensitisation and flooding behavioural approach to treating phobias
becks cognitive theory (negative triad), ellis's ABC model Cognitive approach to explaining depression
cognitive behavioural therapy, ellis's rational emotive behavioural therapy cognitive approach to treating depression
Biological approach to explaining OCD Genetic and neural explanations
drug therapy (SSRI'S and combination treatment) Biological approach to treating OCD
Created by: Madz99
Popular Psychology sets




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