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Family Therapy

PCC-HR-6A-Overview of Family Therapy

General systems theory associated with? Ludwig von Bertalanffy
General Systems theory defines a system as an entity maintained by the mutual interactions of its components.
GST Consistent with systems theory, therapists view the family as an opent (versus closed) system which continuously receives input from and discharges output to the environment.
Homeostasis is the tendency for a family to act in ways which maintain the family's equilibrium or status quo.
Identified patient is the symptom bearer of the family; he/she is the family member who is usually sent first for treatment and whose symptoms help maintain the family's homeostasis.
Cybernetics-associated with? Gregory Bateson
Cybernectics a kep feature is its concept of the "feedback loop" through which a system gets the information it needs to self-correct to maintain a steady state.
Feedback loops can be positive or negative
Negative feedback loop reduce deviatin and help a system maintain it's equilibrium.
Positive feedback loop amplify deviation or change and disrupt the system.
Circular causality regards a symptom as part of an ongoing circular feedback loop
Family therapy is fenerally preferred to individual therapy when the latter has been ineffective, (3 separate situations) 1) when improvement in one family member is likely to cause distress in another family member,
Family therapy is fenerally preferred to individual therapy when the latter has been ineffective, (3 separate situations) 2) when the family is making one member a scapegoat for shared problems
Family therapy is fenerally preferred to individual therapy when the latter has been ineffective, (3 separate situations) 3) when the presenting problem invovles family conflicts or a family-related crisis
Formats (5) 1) Conjoint therapy; 2) concurrent family therapy; 3) Collaborative family therapy; 4) Network family therapy; 4) Multiple couple or family therapy
Conjoint therapy Both members of the couple or the entire family are seen at the same time by the same therapist. (associated with Virginia Satir)
Concurrent family therapy One therapists sees all family members in individual sessions.
Collaborative family therapy A different family therapist sees each family member but the therapist meet periodically to discuss their clients and the family as a whole.
Network family therapy The family therapist works with the entire "network" of significant people in the client's life such as family members, friends, and neigbors.
Multiple couple or family therapy Several couples or families meet as a group with a therapist or co-therapist.
Created by: SBT38
Popular Psychology sets




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