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Research Methods

refers to how consistent the findings from a study or measuring device are Reliability
a method of assessing the reliability of a questionnaire or psychological test by assessing the same person on two separate occasions test re-test reliability
the extent to which there is agreement between two observers involved in observations of behavior inter-observer reliability
the extent to which an observed effect is genuine validity
a basic form of validity where a test is scrutinized to see if it appears to measure what it is supposed to measure Face validity
the extent to which a psychological measure relates to an existing similar measure concurrent validity
the extent to which findings from research can be generalized into different settings or situations ecological validity
the extent to which findings from a research study can be generalized to different historical times and eras. temporal validity
the incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis (false positive) type 1 error
the failure to reject a false null hypothesis (false negative) type 2 error
a statistical term used to tell us how sure we are that a difference or correlation exists. significance
used when the hypothesis is directional 1 tailed test
used when the hypothesis is non directional 2 tailed test
the usual level of significance in psychology 0.05 (5%)
data which uses named catagories e.g. boys and girls Nominal
data which uses ratings scales to put things in order e.g. 1st 5 th and 6th place ordinal
data which uses ratings scales with an equal differance between each meauser Interval
A test of differance which uses nominal data and an unrelated design Chi Squared
A test of difference which uses nominal data and a related design sign test
a test of differance which uses ordinal data and an unrelated design Mann Whitney
A test of difference which uses ordinal data and a related design Wilcoxon
A test of difference which uses interval data and an unrelated design Unrelated t test
a test of diiference which uses interval data and a relates design related t test
a test of correlation which uses nominal data chi squared (cor)
A test of correlation which uses ordinal data spearmans rho
A test of correlation which uses interval data Pearson's r
the 4 important features of science objectivity, the empirical method, falsifiability and replicability
the meaning of objectivity when all sourced of personal bias are minimised so as not to distort the research process
the meaning of the empirical method scientific approaches which are based on the gathering of evidence through observation and experience
the meaning of falsifiability the principle that a scientific theory cannot be accepted unless it acknowledges a possibility of being proved false
the meaning of replicability the extent to which scientific procedures and findings can be repeated by others
Created by: Madz99
Popular Psychology sets




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