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psych final

structuralism study of the most basic components and structures of conscious experiences - titchener
functionalism study of the purpose and function of behavior and mental experiences - james
psychoanalysis role of unconscious factors in personality and behavior - freud
behaviorism study of observable behaviors and how they pertain to learning processes - pavlov, skinner, watson
biological psych relationship between psychological processes and the body's physical systems
clinical psych causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of psychological diseases
cognitive psych mental processes, problem solving, memory, perception, mental imagery, and language
counseling psych helping people adjust, adapt, and cope with personal and interpersonal challenges
developmental psych psychological, physical, and social changes that occur at different ages and stages of the life span
educational psych applying psychological principles to methods of learning
experimental psych scientific investigation of basic psychological processes
health psych the development, prevention, and treatment of illness relating to psychology
industrial psych relationship between people and work
personality psych the nature of human personality
social psych how and individual's thoughts, feelings, and behavior are affected by their social environments
school psych applying psychological principles and findings in schools
applied psych applying the findings of basic psychology to diverse areas
scientific method 1. hypothesis 2. design study 3. collect data 4. analyze 5. draw conclusions 6. report
neuron - cell body processes nutrients and provides energy, contains nucleus
neuron - axon carries neuron's message to other body areas
neuron - dendrite receive information from other neurons and sensory receptor cells
prozac selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, increases availability of serotonin in the brain prolonging the effects
central nervous system brain and spinal cord. central to all behaviors and mental processes
peripheral nervous system nerves. somatic - communication, automatic - involuntary functions, sympathetic - emergency, parasympathetic - physical resources
endocrine nervous system hormone glands. transmits information from one part of the body to another using hormones
frontal lobe reasoning, planning, parts of speech and movement, emotions, and problem solving
parietal lobe perception of stimuli: touch, pressure, temperature, pain
temporal lobe perception and recognition of auditory stimuli and memories
occipital lobe many aspects of vision
just noticeable difference minimum level of stimulation that a person can detect 50% of the time
parapsychology scientific investigation of claims of paranormal phenomena and abilities
gestalt grouping methods proximity, similarity, closure, good continuation
operational definition defines the variable in a very specific way: how it will be measured, manipulated, or changed
experimental methods method of investigation used to demonstrate cause and effect relationships - purposefully manipulating one factor to change another
descriptive methods procedures that involve systematically observing behavior - to describe relationship among behaviors and events
independent variable purposefully manipulated factor thought to produce change in an experiment
dependent variable factor that is observed and measured for change in an experiment - influenced by the independent variable
acetylcholine neurotransmitter that causes muscle contractions and is involved in learning and memory
serotonin neurotransmitter involved in sensory perceptions, sleep, and emotions
manifest content actual content of a dream as it is remembered
latent content the hidden psychological meaning of a dream
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