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Homeostasis the attainment and retainment of equilibrium in the body through the appropriate use of drugs and diet
Hippocrates Father of Medicine
The earliest examples of healing centers can be found in which country? Greece
Who deals with Medicinal ingredients in PLANTS? Theophrastus, and it's called Pharmocognosy
Father of Botony? Theophrastus
What kind of info did the "De Materia Medica" contain? info on more than 600 plants and 90 minerals.
Author of "On The Art of Healing" Claudius Galen
Pharmacotherapy? the treatment of disease with medications
First antibiotic effective against tubercle bacillus,(the infective agent in tuberculosis) Streptomycin
Myrrh in the book of Genisis is used as a remedy for what? loss of appetite; it was an appetite stimulant(carminative) a med. that relieved intestinal gas
Country PRESENTLY leads in setting standards for natural remedies Germany
Word used for drug in the Hippocratic Writtings? pharmakon
First antibiotic used in therapy PCN
What disease killed almost 1/3 of the inhabitants of Europe b/w 1347-1350 ? Black Plague
Father of Toxicology Mithradates
Treatment concept, employed by Greeks to treat symptoms and disease with drugs that restore health by causing the opposite effect? allopathy
Treatment concept that uses very dilute substances that cause the same effect as the symptom? homeopathy
Father of Chinese Pharmaceutics Shen-Nung
Leafy plants used as medicinal of flavoring agents herb
Viscous mucos that is secreted orally? phlegm (flem)
Who discov. Digoxin? William Withering
Who discov. Salin in willow bark and Nicotine in tobacco? Johannes Buchner
Who established the U.S. Sanitary Commission, and why? Abraham Lincoln; because of "Hospital Sketches" articles written about the harsh conditions of hospitals
Who wrote "Hospital Sketches" May Alcott
Who prepared "Salts of Morphine" Frederick Serturner
Wo discov. the Sulfa drug, Protonsil? Gerhard Domagk
Who discov. Iodine? Bernard Coutois
Who discov. Arsenic,Chlorine, and Glycerine? Karl Scheele
Who discov. small pox vaccine? Edward Jenner
Who discov. INJECTION vaccine for Polio? Jonas Salk
ORAL vaccine for Polio? Albert Sabin
Clay tablets inscribed with names of plants and minerals used as medicinals The Clay Tablets of Mesopitamia
Where were they found in present day Iraq
Who wrote the "Botanical Basis of Pharmacy" and where was it written? Pen T'sao(The Way)
Hippocrates based his pharmacy practice on the concept of homeostasis, which includes the principle of restoring and maintaining balance in the body.
The Magna Carta of Pharmacy, which premoted the independance of pharmacy as a profession, was an edict developed and enforced in Germany
Digoxin, a form of digitalis, is derived from the foxglove plant
quinine tx. malaria
arsphenamine tx. syphillis
sterptomycin tx. tuberculosis
digitalis tx. heart problems
codeine tx. pain control
yin drugs colds
yang drugs fevers
red drugs heart conditions
yellow drugs liver conditions
Patron of Pharmacy Cosmas and Damian
Cosmas Physician
Damian Pharmacist
Insulin was discov. by Federick and Chalis B.
Polio Vaccines were developed by : Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin
PCN was developed by Alexanderf Flemming and Howard Flowery
The concept of Chemotherapy was introduced by Paul Earlick
Who discovered germ theory Robert Koch
Who was Fabiola? a wealthy woman (Roman) who donated her palace to the sick as a hospital. Became known as Hospital Benifactor
Father of Pharmacology Pedanios Dioscorides
Created by: ariene.woodland
Popular Pharmacology sets




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