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Car/Pul Unit 7

SPC Cardiopulmonary Physiology Unit 7 Exam 4

Where is the anatomical location of the kidneys? 1. Bean-shaped organs lying behind the peritoneal cavity, below the diaphragm 2. Cephaled poles @T-12 Caudal poles @L-3 3. Right kidney lower than left due to liver above it. 4. Retroperitoneal (posterior to peritoneum)
What is contained in the gross anatomy of the kidney? 1. Adrenal Glands: Hormones 2. Renal Artery: Arterial blood from aorta 3. Renal Vein: Venous blood to the IVC 4. Ureters: Urine to the peepee 5. Bladder
Component structures of the kidneys? 1. Cortex 2. Medulla 3. Renal Pyramids 4. Papillary Ducts 5. Major & Minor Calyces 5. Renal Pelvis
Major vessels that compose the renal vascular system? 1. Interlobular Arteries & Veins 2. Arcuate Artery & Vein 3. Afferent Arteriole 4. Efferent Arteriole 5. Renal Artery & Vein 7. Interlobar Artery & Vein
Define Nephron? 1. The functional unit of the kidney 2. Analogous to the acinus
Define Glomerulus? A network of up to 50 parallel capillaries branching from the afferent arterioles.
Define Bowman's Capsule? The C-shaped expanded end of the renal tubule which encases the glomerulus. Function to filter the urine
Component structures of the Nephron? 1. Glomerulus 2. Bowman's Capsule 3. Proximal Tubule 4. Loop of Henle 5. Distal Tubule 6. Collecting Duct
What are the 2 capillary beds of the nephron? 1. Glomerular 2. Peritubular
The function of the Glomerulus? 1. Ultrafilter for the blood 2. Mean Pressure 55mmHg
The function of the Peritubular Capillary System? 1. Tubular Secretion 2. Tubular Reabsorption
What are the 3 primary processes of the nephron? 1. Glomerular Filtration 2. Tubular Secretion 3. Tubular Reabsoption
Normal Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) 125 ml/min
Normal Urine Output? 60ml/hr or 1ml/min
Glomerular Blood Pressure? +55mmHg
Bowman Capsule Fluid Pressure? -15mmHg
Osmotic Pressure? -30mmHg
Net Filtration Pressure? +10mmHg
GFR of Afferent Arteriole? Constriction- Decreases GFR Dilatation- Increases GFR
GFR of Efferent Arteriole? Constriction- Increases GFR Dilatation- Decreases GFR
Describe mechanism of reabsorption in the renal tubules? Into the peritubular capillaries out of the tubules 1. Glucose 2. Sodium 3. Calcium 4. Amino Acids
Describe mechanism of secretion in the renal tubules? Out of the peritubular capillaries into the tubules 1. Creatinine
What is Osmosis? Water transport in the tubular system? 1. 80% of water reabsorption occurs in the proximal tubule via osmosis 2. Na, Cl, & Glucose exert a very strong osmotic influence
What is Transport Maximum? The maximum rate for a transport for a substance that is SECRETED or REABSORBED via ACTIVE TRANSPORT. (TM)
Transport Maximum of Glucose? 320mg/min
Transport Maximum of Creatinine? 16mg/min
What does B.U.N. stand for? Blood Urea Nitrogen
Tubular secretion of Blood Urea Nitrogen and Creatinine? 1. Are waste products in the body and are efficiently secreted by the kidney. 2. Creatinine is the most sensitive index of renal function.
Clinical Application of B.U.N.? 8-18mg/dl
Clinical Application of Creatinine? 0.6-1.2mg/dl
What is significant of Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH)? 1. Secreted from the posterior pituitary gland 2. Influenced by Serum Osmolarity 3. Increased Osmolarity triggers release of ADH which DECREASES urine output w/ result in water retention.
Created by: Langhout1418
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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