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imaging procedures

1.the term valgus defined as turned outward (lange Q&A p.37)
2.demonstration of the posterior fat pad on the lat-eral projection of the adult elbow what can it be caused by trauma or other pathology and less than 90-degree flexion (lange Q&A p.37)
3.the proximal radius and ulna are seen free of superimposition in what projection ? lateral oblique elbow(lange Q&A p.37) is the female bony pelvis differs from the male bony pelvis? .the male greater/ false pelvis is deep 2.the male acetabulum faces more laterally (lange Q&A p.38)
5.what is the technique that would provide a posteroanterior (PA) projection of the gastroduo-denal surfaces of a barium-filled high and trans-verse stomach ? angle the CR 35 to 45 degree cephalad(lange Q&A p.38)
6.does the left lung has two fissures ? No (lange Q&A p.38) the midsagittal plane (MSP)is parallel to the IR in PA projection of the skull ? No(lange Q&A p.38) the pacemaker electrodes go through a vein in the chest or upper extremity from the right ventricle ? (true or false) true(lange Q&A p.39)
9.what is the characteristic of Emphysema ? flattening of the hemidiaphragms (lange Q&A p.39)
10.what structures are located in the right lower quadrant (RLQ)? 1. Cecum 2. Vermiform appendix(lange Q&A p.39) LPO position during an upper gastrointestinal (GI) examination , a stomach of average shape demonstrates a barium-filled fundus and double contrast of the pylorus and duodenal bulb , true or false ? true(lange Q&A p.39)
12.what articulations form the ankle mortise ? 1. Talotibial 2. Talofibular(lange Q&A p.39)
13.the upper surface of the foot may be called as__________ and ___________ 1.anterior surface 2.dorsum (lange Q&A p.40)
14. what is outermost wall of the digestive tract ? serosa (lange Q&A p.40)
15.what are the terms that used to describe movement ? 1.plantar flexion 2.valgus (lange Q&A p.40)
16. in AP axial projection (towne method) of the skull what is best demonstrated ? occipital bone (lange Q&A p.40)
17.the right posterior oblique position (judet method) of the right acetabulum will show the : 1.anterior rim of the right acetabulum , 2.right iliac wing (lange Q&A p.40)
18.what is Spondylolisthesis? it’s the condition that results in the forward slipping of one vertebra on the one below it.(lange Q&A p.40)
19. What methods are used to demonstrate the intercondyloid fossa? 1.prone, knee flexed 40 degrees, CR directed caudad 40 degrees to the popliteal fossa 2.supine, IR under flexed knee, CR directed cephalad to knee, perpendicular to tibia (lange Q&A p.41) trauma patient what chest examination do you do to rule out air fluid levels ? a lateral chest examination (lange Q&A p.41)
21. metformin should be withheld for 48 hours before IV iodinated contrast studies ( true or false ) false (lange Q&A p.41)
22.sternoclavicular articulations are likely to be demonstrated in weight-bearing ( true or false ) false (lange Q&A p.41)
23.define apposition? it is the relationship between the ends of fractured long bones (lange Q&A p.42)
24.describe Dorsal decubitus position? the patient lying supine on the radiographic table with the CR directed horizontally to the iliac crest.(lange Q&A p.42)
25.what position is required to demonstrate small amounts of air in the peritoneal cavity ? lateral decubitus, affected side up(lange Q&A p.42)
26. which of these anatomic structures (esophagus, trachea, cardiac apex, superimposed scapular borders)is seen most anteriorly in a lateral projection of the chest ? cardiac apex(lange Q&A p.42)
27.for an AP projection of the knee on a patient whose measurement from ASIS to tabletop is 21 cm, what is the CR direction that will best demonstrate the knee joint ? 0 degree (perpendicular)(lange Q&A p.42)
28.(true or false) the intrathecal injection is associated with myelogram true (lange Q&A p.43)
29.which projection is used to supplement the traditional (open-mouth) projection when the upper portion of the odontoid process cannot be well demonstrated? AP or PA through the foramen magnum (lange Q&A p.43)
30.what does the floor of the cranium include? 1. The temporal bones 2. the ethmoid bone 3. the sphenoid bone (lange Q&A p.43)
31.why do we do a lateral projection of the hand in extension? to evaluate a foreign body and soft tissue (lange Q&A p.43)
32. what is a patent ductus arteriosus? it is a condition that results from a persistent connection between the fetal aorta and pulmonary artery(lange Q&A p.44)
33.PA oblique scapular Y best demonstrate ___________and__________ dislocation. subacromial or subcoracoid dislocation (lange Q&A p.44)
34.arteries and veins enter and exit the medial aspect of each lung at the hilus (true or false) true(lange Q&A p.44)
35.what positions can be used to demonstrate the axillary ribs of the right thorax? LAO and RPO (lange Q&A p.44)
36.what does a lateral oblique foot demonstrate? the interspaces between the first and second cuneiforms (lange Q&A p.44)
37. T5 is at the same level as the sternal angle (lange Q&A p.44)
38.what is the condition in which an occluded blood vessel stops blood flow to a portion of the lungs ? it is pulmonary embolism (lange Q&A p.44)
39.what do the recumbent position demonstrate? esophageal varices (lange Q&A p.44)
40.what type of tissue that occupies the central cavity of the adult long bone body ? yellow marrow (lange Q&A p.45)
41. (true or false) intertrochanteric line is associated with the posterior femur false (lange Q&A p.45)
42. what is the CR angulation for the mortise projection? medial oblique 15 to 20 degrees (lange Q&A p.45)
43.why a radiolucent sponge can be placed under the patient's waist for a lateral projection of the lumbosacral spine? to 1. Make the vertebral column parallel with the IR the intervertebral disk spaces perpendicular to the IR (lange Q&A p.46)
44.what projections may be used to evaluate the glenohumeral joint ? 1.scapular Y projection 2.inferosuperior axial 3.transthoracic lateral (lange Q&A p.46)
45. what is proximal to the tibial plateau? intercondyloid fossa (lange Q&A p.46)
46. Radiographic examination of the humerus area includes evaluation of a lateral projection of the humerus by see if there is a lesser tubercle in profile and a superimposed epicondyles (lange Q&A p.46)
47. mediastinal structures include? 1. Heart 2. trachea 3. esophagus (lange Q&A p.46)
48.what is the CR angulation for a PA axial projection of the clavicle ? 15 to 30 degrees cauded (lange Q&A p.46)
49.describe Avulsion fracture ? it is a small bony fragment pulled from a bony process (lange Q&A p.46)
50. capitulum is a portion of the humerus articulates with the ulna to help form the elbow joint (true or false) false (lange Q&A p.46)
51. define adduction? it is the movement of a part toward the midline of the body (lange Q&A p.46)
52. in myelography , contrast medium is injected into the ? subarachnoid space (lange Q&A p.46)
53.what is bregma ? it is the junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures (lange Q&A p.47)
54.give examples of synovial pivot articulations ? 1. Atlantoaxial joint 2. radioulnar joint (lange Q&A p.47)
55.what part of the(Scotty dog) is the lumbar vertebral lamina ? the body(lange Q&A p.47)
56. define contrecoup ? it is an injury to a structure located on the side opposite that of the primary injury (lange Q&A p.47)
57.what positions can the sesamoid bones of the foot be demonstrated to be free of superimposition with the metatarsals or phalanges ? tangential metatarsals- toes (lange Q&A p.47)
58.what disease is associated specifically to the tibial tuberosity? Osgood – Schlatter disease (lange Q&A p.47)
59.AP stress of the ankle may be performed ,why ? 1. Following inversion or eversion injuries demonstrate a ligament tear (lange Q&A p.48)
60.choose which is(are) part of the bony thorax (manubrium, clavicles, 24 ribs)? manubrium and 24 ribs (lange Q&A p.48)
61.aspirated foreign bodies in older children and adults are most likely to lodge in the left main stem bronchus (true or false) false (lange Q&A p.48)
62. what is the structure that will be demonstrated best when the patient seated at the end of the x-ray table,elbow flexed 80 degrees, and the CR directed 45 degrees laterally from the shoulder to the elbow joint? coronoid process(lange Q&A p.49)
63.what are the types of articulations missing a joint cavity? 1. fibrous 2.cartilaginous (lange Q&A p.49)
64.In which projection the CR is parallel to the intervertebral foramina? 1. Lateral thoracic spine 2.Lateral lumbar spine (lange Q&A p.49)
65. where is the dome of the acetabulum located at? midway between the ASIS and pubic symphysis (lange Q&A p.49)
Created by: alaasaud
Popular Radiology sets




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