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Module 22.2

FINAL Test Review!

Identify the term that defines hazardous drugs as damaging the developing fetus. Teragenicity (TER-A-GENI-CITY)
Identify the term most preferred when discussing drugs that may put workers exposed to them at risk. Hazardous
Identify the gov agency which mandates the availability of MSDS. OSHA
How should hazardous drugs be stored? (4) Seperate from other drugs, drug packages bins shelves and all other storage must have labels identifying them as having special precautions, make sure storage area has exhaust ventilation to dilute and remove airborne contaminants
Identify the proper techniques used when transporting hazardous drugs. (5) Drug packages must be sealed, Must be fully labeled and transported in secondary-closed containers, Transporting staff must be trained to recognize warning lables/damaged packaging, to control a spill site and to report spills/overexposure
Describe environmental and ventilation controls used to reduce exposure to hazardous drugs. (2) Devices designed to eliminate/reduce worker exposure to biological, chemical, ergonomic, physical or radiological hazards, provide critical environment necessary to compound sterile preparations
Identify traning required for all staff trained to compound hazardous drugs. (2) Stringent aspetic technique and negative pressure techniques necessary, training in recognizing hazardous drugs/appropriate spill response
Identify the elements of a medical surveillance program. (7) Prepackaged histories/medical exams should be conducted, Questionnaire should be developed,Physical exams completed, specific lab studies should include blood count with differential liver function test and urinalysis
Identify the elements of a medical surveillance program. (7) (Continued) After an acute exposure the physical should focus on exposed areas, OSHA recommends worker preparation and admin logs, follow up physicals/additional lab tests for those with acute exposure
Hazardous drugs should be compounded in which environment, positive or negative? Negative
Identify the three classes of biological safety cabinets. Class I, II, III
Why is the class II BSC preferred for compounding hazardous drugs? Provides personnel, product, and environmental protection
Identify the basic components of an isolator. Controlled environment with fixed walls, ceiling and floor
Identify the safe use practices of isolators when compounding hazardous drugs. (4) Personnel should wash hands and put on appropriate PPE, interior of isolator and transfer interchange chamber/antechamber should be decontaminate, decontaminations is required after any spill in isolator, inspct fixed-glove assembly for damage
Identify the appropriate PPE needed for safe handling of hazardous drugs during compunding, administration, disposal and spill containment Double gloves, gown, show/hair coverings, mask, and face shields
Identify the work practices which are more likely to result in decreased touch contamination. (7) coumpound hazardous drugs in one pharmacy, gather all materials before beginning work, change gloves whenever contamination occurs, wash hands after removing gloves/prior to putting on new ones
Identify the work practices which are more likely to result in decreased touch contamination. (7) (Continued) Place waste in the class II BSC in a sealed platic bag, used a waste recepital placed immediately outside the Class II BSC, use a waste containment disposal system
Identify the proper technique used in handling hazardous drugs. No more than 75% or syringe volume should be filled with the solution, once diluent is drawn up the needle should be inserted into the vial and the plunger should be pulled back and air is drawn into syringe,
Identify the proper technique used in handling hazardous drugs. (5-6) exact volume needed must be measured while needle is in vial, when hazardous drug is tranferred into an IV bag on the septum of injection port must be punctured, after solution is in the IV bag, the IV port, container and set should be wiped with a gauze
Identify the proper procedure for opening an ampule. (4) Tap head of ampule, cleanse neck with alcohol swab & leave swab in place, grip head of ampule with thumb and index finger and hold body with the other thumb/index finder, break in quick motion away from filter
How often should knowledge and competence evaluations be performed? After first orientation/Annually
Define Decontamination. Cleaning/deactivating
Explain methods used for disposal of hazardous drugs and contaminated materials. (2) Containers should be punture proof, have a lid that seals and be labeled with appropriate warning.
What's the formula for BSA? Weight (KG), times height (CM), divided by 3600, square route
What's the formula to determine the rate of flow for parenteral solutions? ML of solutions times # of gtts/mL, divided by gtts/min= gtts divided by min
What is the formula used to determine the infusion time of parenteral solutions? # of ml x # of drops/mL x 1 min/# of drops x 1 hr/ 60 min =total
Infusion times? Total Volume(mL) of bag/bottle divided by mL/hr
Heperin infusion? total number of heparin in units divided by total volume (mL) of IV bag x number of units divided by 1 hr
Drops per min infused? drops/1 ml x total volume/total number of units x units/60 min= gtts/min
Created by: BrittanyRose
Popular Pharmacology sets




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