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Developmental Psych

Test #2

Catch-Up Growth Accelerated growth to catch up with peers. This can only happen if there is an intervention
When can babies eat solid foods? 6 months old. Then, food must be soft and pinky size
When can babies drink cow's milk? 12 months
Why do some women bottle feed? (Formula) -Have to return to work -Want fathers involved in feeding -Cannot produce enough milk -Have HIV -Substance abuse -Mother is malnourished -Too hard
Baby Growth Babies grow in spurts. Girls grow faster. When infants eat a lot, they are going through a spurt.
Failure to Thrive When a child is not growing as average child.
Organic Failure to Thrive A Biological or medical reason as to why baby is not growing. Ex. Some babies can be lactose intolerant, therefore, they cannot breast feed. Also common in low SES families with nourishment
Non-Organic Failure to Thrive Due to lack of emotional attachment
What are some pros to breast feeding? -Helps develop brain cells -Provides baby with anti-bodies -Lowers risk of SIDS -Lowers risk or breast and ovarian cancer (for mom) -Shrinks uturus faster
Is the bonding experience a myth? YES
Sleep Regretion -Lose of sleep schedual -Like jet-lag -Babies have to get used to sleep patterns -due to brain growth spurts @ 4, 9, 12, and 18 months. Brain is preforming myelination and making connections
Baby Reflexes -In-born. Usually disappear after 6m. -replaced by voluntary movement which is an indicator of CNS development
Synaptic Pruning Neurons that are not used die. This happens to in-born reflexes, but also when children are neglected.
Ulnar Grasp -3-6m. Using entire palm and fingers to pick things up
Pincer Grasp Using finger and thumb to grab things
Vision Fully develop by 3-5yrs
Theory of Cognitive Learning (Jean Piaget) Children learn through hands on interaction -Sensory --> 0-2yrs -Mental schemes: To categorize things w/similarities
Building Schemes Children build schemes through interactions
Building Schemes (Assimilation) Using existing schemes to interpret the world Ex. Trying to squeeze a blanket to see if it squeaks
Building Schemes (Accommodation) Adjust or create new ones to fit new learnings -Organization: Internal process to interconnections of schemes
Circular Reactions Through accidental learning --> Attempt to repeat accidental discovery
Primary Circular Reactions Focuses on own body Ex. Spit bubbles
Secondary Circular Reactions Linked to environment Ex. pulling a dogs tail
Object Permanence Understanding that something still exists when it is not visible
A-Not-B Search Error Looking for where it was first was found, even when they saw it hidden somewhere else -Due to not fully developed brain and Permanent Object understanding
Deferred Imitation Learning from what others do and copy it
Information Processing Theory Learning is done through interactions. We hold sensory info. both long and short term
Habituation Lose of interest over time when a memory is made about what will happen
Created by: Nanusshh
Popular Psychology sets




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