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chs 9-11,14

intro to psych

smoking during pregnancy stops oxygen flow to child and lowers birth weight and heart rate
neonatal visual range can clearly see faces and objects up to 8-10 inches
visual cliff test measures depth perception
gender constancy realization that gender does not change with age
gender role awareness knowledge of expected behaviors of males and females
gender identity girl knows she's a girl; boy knows he's a boy
gender stereotype general belief about characteristics that men and women are presumed to have
imaginary audience adolescent's delusion that they are constantly observed by others
transition from dependence stable sense of self allows independence
midlife crisis radical change experienced by adults in response to a lack of fulfillment
late adulthood lifestyle reduced social involvement and lower activity levels are more satisgying than staying at home
stages of dying denial anger bargaining depression acceptance
Sigmund Freud best known and most influential psychodynamic theorist
superego moral watchdog over personality and psychosexual stages
Carl Rogers unconditional positive regard
unconditional positive regard full acceptance and love regardless of one's behavior
Eysenck definition of psychoticism describes people characterized by insensitivity and uncooperativeness at one end and warmth, tenderness, and helpfulness at the other end
Erik Erikson adults 25 to 60 need to establish a sense of generativity by remaining productive and creative
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) uses interpretation of picture to understand personality
Rorschach Test uses ambiguous inkblots to understand personality
cognitive social learning the way people think about, act on, and respond to their environment
mental process center of personality
Oedipus complex boy's sexual attachment to mother and jealosy of father
stress experienced in pleasant and unpleasant situations
conflict the need to choose between two incompatible demands
Kurt Lewin avoidance/ avoidance conflict theory
avoidance/ avoidance conflict theory of being repelled by two undesirable choices, with potential urge to escape
most effective way to cope compromise goals during conflict
defensive coping denial and displacement
denial refusal to accept a painful or threatening reality
displacement shifting repressed motives and emotions from original object to substitute object
frustration caused by delays, lack of resources, losses and failures
PTSD episodes of anxiety, sleeplessness, and nightmares resulting from some disturbing past event
coronary heart disease anger, hostility, and depression increase risk
general adaption syndrome Hans Seyle adapted three stages of alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion
fight or flight response release of stress hormones in a dangerous situation causing increase in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and perspiration
type A respond to life events with hostility, urgency, and impatience
type B respond to life events with a laidback, easygoing approach
percent of deaths related to human behavior fifty
prejudice more associated with attitude
discrimination more associated with behavior
collectivist versus individualist cultures more likely to help others in minor and urgent situations
more bystanders less likely that person in need will be helped
altruism helping others without expecting anything in return
conformity voluntary yielding to social norms, even at the expense of personal preference
compliance to change behaviors at someone's request
personal contact the most effective method of changing someone's opinion
frustration aggression theory that frustrated people turn anger from proper target to target that is safer to attack
unfair relationship giver feels cheated and gainer feels guilty
discrimination unfair act taken toward an entire group of people or individual members of that group
self-serving bias to flip the results to complement yourself for efforts you did not invest
small group size more productive
Created by: selfstudy08
Popular Psychology sets




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