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PCC-HR-3A-Behavioral Therapy

Approach of Behavioral Therapy Decrease maladaptive behaviors and increase adaptive ones, emphasizing current behaviors and use a scientific approach to the study and treatment of maladaptive behaviors.
Step 1 of the Behavioral Therapy process: 1) reviewing aspects of the client's history and environment which are related to his/her problem;
Step 2 of the Behavioral Therapy process: 2) defining the client's problem in terms of the target behavior, including the behavioral, physiological, and subjective measures used to assess the behavior;
Step 3 of the Behavioral Therapy process: 3) defining treatment goals and alternate treatment techniques;
Step 4 of the Behavioral Therapy process: 4) applying the treatment, periodically re-administering behavior measures to assess treatment effects and modifying treatment if necessary to achieve treatment goals
Step 5 of the Behavioral Therapy process: 5) when treatment goals have been achieved, discussing treatment method and reults with the client to help him or her apply the treatment to others aspects of his/her life.
Classical Conditioning - founder Ivan Pavlov
Pupose of Classical conditioning Help the client unlearn previously learned connections between a specific stimulus and a maladaptive response-by providing a more adaptive response to the stimulus, or decrease the occurrence of a pleasure-producing, but maladaptive/undesirable behavior
Counterconditioning Is based on the premise that a maladaptive response can be reduced or eliminated by the establishment of another, usually incompatible, response. (Two incompatible behaviors cannot occur simultaneously)
Reciprocal Inhibition (Joseph Wolpe) used to eliminate the specific maladptive response of anxiety
Three classical conditioning theories 1) Systematic desensitization 2) Aversive Counterconditioning; 3) Assertiveness Training
Systematic Desensitization In the method, reciprocal inhibition replaces an anxiety response with a relaxation response (relaxation is physiologically incompatible with anxiety).
Aversive Counterconditioning An unconditioned stimulus (US) which produces a noxious response (unconditioned response, or UR) is repeated paired with an undesirable behavior (conditioned simuls, or CS) Such pairing eventually leads to a CR of avoidance in the presence of the CS only
Assertiveness Training The goal of this method is to reduce the occurrence of anxiety (or other maladaptive response) in problematic interpersonal situations by increasing the probability assertive responses will occur.
Operant Conditioning-founder B.F. Skinner
Operant Conditioning The goal is either to increase desirable behaviors or to decrease undesirable behaviors
Therapies based on Operant Conditioning 1) Positive Reinforcement 2) Shaping 3) Token Economy 4) Time-Out 5) Extinction 6) Premack Principle 7) Contingency Contracts
Positive Reinforcement ...positively reinforcing stimulus after a behavior has occurred to increase the occurrence of that behavior.
Shaping a form of positive reinforcemnt involving reinforcing successive approximations to the desired response.
Token Economy ..desirable behaviors are consistently reinforced by a conditioned reinforcer (the token). The conditioned reinforcer (tokens) is eventually exchanged for a desired item("Back-up reinforcer")
Time-Out used to decrease maladaptive bheavior. ('time-out from positive reinforcement") The individual is removed from the reinforcing environment or the environment is removed from them.
Extinction ...when reinforcement for a behavior is discontinued, the rate of that behavior decreases.
Premack Principle ...a high probability behavior is used to reinforce a low probability behavior to increase the frequency of the low probability behavior.
Contingency Contracts a formal written agreement between two or more people which clearly defines the behaviors to be modified and the consequences following the performance of those behaviors.
Flooding The client is exposed to a high anxiety-arousing stimulus for a prolonged period of time, conducted in vivo or in imagination.
Implosive Therapy Invovles classical extinction, is always conducted in imagination and involves presenting the feared stimulus vividly enough so as to arouse high levels of anxiety
Developer of Implosive therapy Stampfl
Created by: SBT38
Popular Psychology sets




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