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The Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1984 (Carl D. Perkins Act) provides disadvantaged populations access to vocational assessment, counseling, and placement services (p. 181)
Test Critiques a source designed to provide the layperson with understandable assessment information
Test Validity Validity should always be reported in terms of test purpose and intended population; test scores DO NOT HAVE TO BE VALID TO BE RELIABLE; and false positive errors contribute to a lack of test score validity
Semantic Differential Scale is based on the belief that people think dichotomously
If a set of test scores with a mean of 74 and a standard deviation of 10 is normally distributed, what is the median? 74 p. 190
In a normal distribution, ____________ of scores falls between -1 and +2 standard deviations? 81.5%
If the mean of an achievement test is 31 and the standard deviation is 3, what is the percentile rank of a student who scored a 37 on a test? 97.5%
An individual with a z-score of -1.3 has a standing score of 2
Examples of aptitude tests GRE general test Clerical test battery Standford Binet
The ____________ measures several distinct aspects of vocational ability, and the _______________ measures one homogenous area of vocational ability Differential aptitude test (DAT); Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude
Stern's ratio intelligence quotient, popularized on early versions of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales was calculated by dividing one's mental age by chronological age
Which objective personality test is designed to identify DSM-5 Axis II personality disorders? Millon Clinical Muliaxial Inventory (MCMI=III)
Rating scales usually evaluate the quantity of an attribute, are highly subjective because they rely on the rater's perception of the behavior, and often assess a broad range of behaviors
Requiring minority students to take standardized college admission exams that were designed for Caucasian, middle-class students constitutes ________ bias Ecological
Advantages of computer-based testing include Greater scoring accuracy Can provide immediate feedback Clients prefer test administration via the computer when responding to sensitive topics
A test that can modify the test structure and items to the examinee's ability level is known as a computer-adaptive test
Popular Psychology sets




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