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What was the American Counseling Association originally named? American Personnel and Guidance Association
What is the Buckley Amendment? Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Who most commonly administers psychological tests? Psychologists
Founding members of the ACA (American Counseling Association) include Counseling Association for Humanistic Education and Development (C-HEAD) National Career Development Association (NCDA) Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
What is the most recently established division of ACA? Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC)
The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) began as an association for counselors who were Catholic
The Tripartite Model of Multicultural Counseling Competence includes Knowledge, Awareness, and Skills
The worldview that says the environment accounts for actions that occur Locus of Responsibility
Which law most protects children with disabilities concerning public education?
Tertiary Oppression is Internalized Oppression
Working for the collective good of society refers to which tenet of social justice? Harmony
A racial interaction in which an individual of a lower racial identity status holds more social power over an individual would be considered a(n) Regressive Ineraction
One of the most popular sexual identity development models that was often used in developing other identity models was developed by Cass
Mary becomes angry with God after the death of her close friend, and she questions herself as a spiritual person. What spiritual identity development status is she most likely in? Awakening
The social influence model espouses that a counselor should have _____ for maximum influence Credibility
Motivational interviewing is mainly based on Rogerian counseling style, but it is also ________ Directive
Intelligence is accounted for mostly by a person's GENETICS
Epigentic theorists emphasize the importance of the combination of nature and nurture
The reticular activating system is responsible for regulating arousal and attention
Males born with an extra X chromosome have Klinefelter's syndrome
Popular Psychology sets




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