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Italian Vocab 1
Question | Answer |
abitare | to live |
amare | to love |
andare | to go |
andare a piedi | to walk |
andare d'accordo | to get along |
andare in aereo | to fly; to go by plane |
andare in autobus | to go by bus |
andare in bicicletta | to go by bike |
andare in macchina | to go by car |
andare in treno | to go by train |
arrivare | to arrive |
ascoltare | to listen |
aspettare | to wait |
ballare | to dance |
cambiare | to change |
cantare | to sing |
cercare | to look for |
cominciare | to begin |
comprare | to buy |
dare | to give |
dare un esame | to take a test |
dimenticare | to forget |
essere d'accordo | to agree |
fare | to do; to make |
Che tempo fa? | Hows the weather? |
Fa bello/brutto | It is nice/bad |
Fa caldo/freddo/fresco | It is hot/cold/cool |
fare colazione | to have breakfast |
fare una domanda | to ask a question |
fare una fotografia | to take a picture |
frequentare | to attend |
giocare | to play (a sport) |
guadagnare | to earn |
guardare | to watch; to look at |
imparare | to learn |
incontrare | to meet |
insegnare | to teach |
lavorare | to work |
mangiare | to eat |
nuotare | to swim |
parlare | to speak |
buon giorno | good morning |