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Chp 8 (1/2)

oral embryology histology

Alveolar Crest highest point of the alveolar ridge
alveolar socket cavity within the alveolar process that surrounds the root of a tooth
Ameloblasts cells that form enamel
anatomic crown portion of the tooth this covered with enamel
Apex tapered end of each root tip
Apical foramen natural opening in the root
Cementoblasts cells that form cementum
cementoclasts cells that resorb cementum
Cementum specialized calcified connective tissue that covers the anatomic root of a tooth
clinical crown that portion of the tooth that is visible in the oral cavity
conception union of the male sperm and the female ovum
coronal pulp part that lies within the crown portion of the tooth
cortical plate dense covering of spongy bone that makes up the central part of the alveolar process
Dental lamina thickened band of oral epithelium that follows the curve of each developing arch
Dental papilla gingivae between the teeth
Dental Sac connective tissue that envelops the developing tooth
Dentin Hard portion of the root that surrounds the pulp and is covered by enamel on the crown and by cementum on the root
Dentinal fiber fibers found in dential tubules
dentinal tubules microscopic canals found in dentin
what are Planes three imaginary lines used to divide the body into sections
Frontal Plane vertical place that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions
Horizontal plane plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions
Midsagittal plane Line that divides the body into equal right and left portions
Basic unit of structure cells
Human body's four organizational levels cells tissues organs body systems
DNA , RNA found where? nucleus
What forms the Axial Skeleton Skull spine rib cage
What forms the Appendicular Skeleton Shoulders arms hands hips legs feet
Human Body has ten systems skeletal muscular cardiovascular respiratory digestive endocrine urinary integumentary reproductive
Two major body regions axial division and appendicular region
Anatomy is important to dental assisting because To communicate as professionals and informed decision making
two type of bones cancellous compact
Two major body regions ventral and dorsal
What does the appendicular skeleton protected Nervous system respiratory system circulatory systems
Four main types of tissues Muscle connective Nerve epithelial
cytoplasm Gel Like fluid inside a cell
Three basic types of joints fibrous joint cartilaginous joint synovial joints
Acne is a disorder of what system Endocrine System ( hormones)
Epilepsy is a disorder of what system Nervous system
Tuberculosis is a disease of what system Immune system
Diabetes mellitus is a disease of what system Digestive and endocrine
Abscess is a disorder of what system nervous system
Created by: spazz
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