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SWRK 7005, Vocab 1

Vocab from the 1st List of Terms

Affect A pattern of observable behaviors that is the expression of a patient's subjectively experienced emotional state (i.e. sadness, anger, elation, etc.)
Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome A set of symptoms that can occur after the abrupt cessation, or marked dosage reduction, of antidepressant medication after at least 1 month of usage
Aggression A range of behaviors that can result in both physical and psychological harm to oneself, others, and/or objects within an individual's environment
Agitation (psychomotor) Excessive motor activity (usually non-productive and repetitive) that's associated with feelings of inner tension
Agnosia The loss of the ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells that occurs with either a direct impairment of a specific sense or with significant memory loss
Akathisia A disorder with symptoms of extreme restlessness and behaviors of constant movement, characterized by extreme fidgeting movement, and sitting/standing patterns
Ambivalence Contradictory emotions, thoughts, or goals relating to the same person or situation
Amnesia An inability to recall important autobiographical information, which is unrelated to ordinary forgetfulness
Anticholinergic side effects side effects that occur when taking medication which inhibit the release of the neurotransmitter aceytl choline (including dry mouth, blurry vision, constipation, urinary issues, etc.)
Aphasia A disorder which markedly affects speech and language skills, caused by brain damage or disorder
Apraxia A neurological disorder characterized by an inability to perform basic learned movements, despite having the physical ability and mental willingness to do so.
Avolition An inability to initiate, carry out, and persist in goal-oriented and directed activities and tasks
Blocking A phenomenon in which a previously-learned thought process prevents or delays the acquisition of new learning and new behavior
Catalopsy The passive induction of a posture held up against gravity, characterized by a lack of response to external stimuli and muscular rigidity, so that limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.
Catatonia Abnormality of movement and behavior caused by psychological or neurological disturbance (most common in schizophrenia)
Circumstantiality Disturbed pattern of speech or expression that's characterized by a delay in getting to the point due to exploring and expanding upon unnecessary details and irrelevant remarks
Coma A state of complete loss of conciousness
Cyclothymia A mild form of of bipolar disorder characterized by mood swings from mild-to-moderate depression to hypomanic-like symtomatology (elevated mood and euphoria but no disconnection from reality)
Delusion A false belief based on an incorrect inference about an external reality which the individual adheres to, despite the widespread beliefs of others and incontrovertible, obvious proof or evidence to the contrary
Depersonalization The experience of feeling detached from, and of observing from the outside, one's own mental, physical, and bodily actions and processes.
Derealization The experience of feeling detached from, and as if one is an outside observer of, one's surroundings (i.e. things seem dreamy, surreal, visibly distorted, etc.)
Disorientation Confusion about the time of day, the date, the season, or one's own location or identity
Dysphoria A condition where an individual experiences intense feelings of depression, discontent, and, sometimes, indifference to the world around them
Dissociation The separation of normally related mental processes, resulting in one group functioning independently from the rest, leading in extreme cases to disorders such as dissociative personality disorder.
Echolalia The pathological, parrot-like repetition of words or phrases that have just been spoken by another person
Egosyntonic Behaviors, feelings, and values that are in harmony with one's own self-image
Euphoria A mental and emotional condition in which a person experiences intense feelings of well-being, elation, happiness, joy, etc.
Fixation To become unable to adopt any new or different perspective on a problem or issue; In Freudian terms, to be unable to move on from aspects of a psychosexual developmental stage)
Flight of ideas A nearly continuous flow of accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to topic, usually connected by associations, distracting stimuli, or plays on words.
Fugue An episode of amnesia in which the individual's personal identity is entirely abandoned and no other potential reason (substance abuse, medication use, etc.) is available as an explanation
Hallucination A perception-like experience that has the clarity and impact of a true sensory perception without the actual external stimuli of a sensory organ (i.e. auditory, geometric, olfactory, somatic, etc.)
Incidence The rate of newly diagnosed cases of a certain disease or disorder
Illusion A misperception or misinterpretation of real external stimuli (i.e. confusing the sound of rustling leaves with voices)
Idiopathic A diagnosis in which no recognizable origin or cause for a patient's symptomatology has been determined
Labile Abnormal variability in affect, with repeated, rapid, and abrupt shifts in affective expression
Lethargy A state of decreased mental activity that is characterized by sluggishness, drowsiness, inactivity, and reduced alertness
Mannerism A peculiar and characteristic individual style of movement, action, thought, or speech
Morality Possessing the knowledge of, and responsibility to live by, a set of values and beliefs that are commonly shared by a group or community
Morbidity The rate at which a disease or disorder occurs within a population
Mutism No, or very little, verbal response (in absence of any known aphasia)
Neologism A newly created word whose meaning is unknown to others; indicative of a thought disorder
Nihilism Ideas of meaninglessness, transience, or nonexistence as related particularly to oneself
Narcolepsy A sleep disorder characterized by periods of extreme drowsiness and frequent daytime lapses into sleep (sleep attacks) that have occurred at least 3 times per week over the course of at least 3 months
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome A rare but life-threatening reaction to neuroleptic (antipsychotic) medications, characterized by muscle rigidity, fever, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction
Obsession A recurrent, persistent thought process, urge, or image that is experienced at the same time as a disturbance and is unwanted by the individual, who attempts to ignore, suppress, or potentially neutralize it (i.e. compulsions)
Overvalued idea A solitary belief that is neither delusional nor obsessional, but which is preoccupying to the extent of dominating the sufferer's life
Orientation Patient's ability to recall personal info and information about location, time, surroundings, etc.
Paranoia Intense, anxious, or fearful feelings often tied to perceived threats or persecution or conspiracy
Parasomnias Sleep disorder, other than sleep apnea, characterized by abnormal movements, behaviors, emotions, dreams that occur during the stages of sleep
Perseveration The repetition of a particular response (word, phrase, or gesture) despite the absence of a stimulus or the cessation of a stimulus.
Prevalence The total number of cases of a disorder or disease within a given population
Prodrome Term for early symptom or sets of symptoms that indicates the onset of a disorder or a disease
Rapport Tee ability for two people to communicate openly, hoenstly, and freely
Stereotypy The persistent repetition of an act, posture, movement, or utterance
Somnolence A term describing the state of drowsiness that precedes falling asleep (normal behavior that can be a symptom of sleep disorders in narcoleptics, non-circadian, etc.)
Stupor A state marked by near unconsciousness, lethargy, sluggish movement, and an inability to respond to stimuli
Tardive dyskinesia A nervous system disorder that results in repetitive body movements, such as lip puckering, tongue protrusion, limb or torso movement, etc.
Tics Involuntary, sudden, nonrhythmical movements or vocalizations that often involve discreet muscle groups
Waxy flexibility Bodily state in which a person may move the subject's limbs and they will stay in the position that they are moved into
Neocortex The part of the cerebral cortex in mammals that processes sight and hearing
Prozac An SSRI antidepressant
Lexapro An SSRI antidepressant
Zoloft An SSRI antidepressant
Paxil An SSRI antidepressant
Celexa An SSRI antidepressant
Effexor An SNRI (selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant
Pristiq An SNRI antidepressant
Cymbalta An SNRI antidepressant
Fetzima An SNRI antidepressant
Wellbutrin An NDRI (norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant
Remeron A tetracyclic antidepressant
Trintellix Antidepressant
Viibryd An SSRI antidepressant
Lamictal Antiepileptic/anticonvulsant
Depakote Antiepileptic
Ritalin Central nervous system stimulant for ADHD
Concerta Central nervous system stimulant
Vyvanse Central nervous system stimulant
Adderall Central nervous system stimulant
Abilify Antipsychotic
Latuda Antipsychotic
Saphris Antipsychotic
Fanapt Atypical antipsychotic
Zyprexa Atypical antipsychotic
Invega Antipsychotic
Resperdal Atypical antipsychotic
Valium benzodiazepine
Klonopin A benzodiazepine
Ativan A benzodiazepine
Xanax A benzodiazepine
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