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SAT Vocabulary

Cumulative Review of Units 1-6

copious abundant; plentiful
tenacious tough; stubborn
surreptitious acting in a secret manner
voracious an insatiable appetite
officious offering unwanted advice
spurious false
onerous troublesome
gregarious sociable
pious devout or virtuous
scrupulous careful of small details
attrition a gradual reduction
edification to enlighten or instruct
ablution a cleansing
elocution the art of public speaking
writhe to cause to twist or bend
pedestrian ordinary
carrion rotting flesh
pinion confine
kismet fate
ambivalence indecision
deploy to arrange strategically
cavalier casual; carefree
egg to encourage
mete to distribute
nullify to cancel or undo
embroil to throw into disorder
waffle to speak or write evasively
ascribe to attribute to a certain cause
enhance to improve or intensify
impair to diminish in quality
terse concise
coerce to force someone by threatening
diverse different; varied
abate to reduce
abide to remain; continue; stay
gambit to take a risk
jaunt a short pleasure trip
frank straightforward
lithe bending easily
aesthetic having to do with artistic beauty
gullible easily cheated or fooled
mawkish excessively sentimental
raffish cheaply vulgar in appearance
continuum a continuous whole
travail strenuous physical effort
intrepid fearless, bold
languid lacking energy
exodus a mass departure
influx a mass arrival
abash to make ashamed
incessant nonstop
latent laying hidden
eloquent expressive in speech, movement or writing
diffident timid
malcontent dissatisfied
eminent standing out
wince to flinch
prudent cautious
augment to make greater
ebullience enthusiastic
Created by: rgates
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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