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Psychology unit 7

Consciousness State of awareness
REM sleep A stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movement, a high level of brain activity, a deep relaxation of sleep.
Insomnia The failure to get enough sleep at night in order to feel rested the next day.
Sleep apnea A sleep disorder in which a person has trouble breathing while asleep.
Circadian rhythm The rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting approximately one day.
Narcolepsy A condition characterized by suddenly falling asleep or feeling very sleepy during the day.
Nightmares Unpleasant dreams
Night terrors Sleep disruptions that occur during Stage IV of sleep, involving screaming, panic, or confusion.
Sleepwalking Walking or carrying out behaviors while asleep.
Daydreams Low key of awareness and involves fantasizing or dreaming while we are awake.
Post hypnotic suggestion A suggestion made during hypnosis that influences the participant's behavior afterward.
Meditation The focus of attention to clear one's mind and produce relaxation.
Hypnosis A state of consciousness resulting from a narrowed focus of attention and characterized by heightened suggestibility.
Biofeedback The process of learning to control bodily states with the help of specialized machines.
Psychoactive drugs Chemicals that affect the nervous system and result in altered consciousness.
Depressants Relaxant; relieve inhibitions; impairs memory and judgment
Stimulants Increase energy and alertness
Nicotine Mixed stimulant-depressant
Hallucinations Perceptions that have no direct external cause.
Opiates Usually called narcotics, include opium, morphine, and herion.
Created by: Clim228
Popular Psychology sets




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