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RADT 465 Image Prod.

ARRT registry review covering image production content area.

What is directly proportional to the number of x-ray photons delivered to the IR? Intensity P. 306
What is directly proportional to the number of x-ray photons delivered to the patient? Dose P. 306
Three things x-ray photons can do Penetrate through the part, scatter within the part & be absorbed by the part. P. 310
Filtration Minimum 2.5-mm Al equivalent P. 317
Examples of additive pathologies Ascites, Pneumonia & Atelectasis P. 318
Directly proportional to the intensity/exposure rate/number of x-ray photons produced mAs P. 322
This is used for anatomic parts having very different thickness/ absorption properties Compensating filtration P. 326
This determines grayscale Bit depth P. 334
High contrast is: Short scale contrast; few, very different image/tissue densities P. 338
Low contrast is: Long scale contrast; many similar image/tissue densities P. 338
The 2 different types of AECs Phototimer & Ionization chamber P. 350
What are some examples of destructive pathologic conditions? Osteoporosis, emphysema & degenerative arthritis P. 351
What improves digital image resolution? Smaller pixel size, smaller pixel pitch & larger image matrix P. 357
What increases CR resolution? PSP phosphor size decreases, laser beam size decreases & monitor matrix size increases P. 357
Image matrix size for nuclear medicine 128x128 P. 357
What affects spatial resolution? OID, SID, focal spot size, patient factors & motion P. 358
What are the two types of distortion? Size distortion (magnification) & Shape distortion (elongation and foreshortening) P. 359
Ways to minimize involuntary motion? Short exposure times, part support & stabilization and special immobilization devices P. 367
Ways to minimize voluntary motion? Good communication and suspended respiration P. 367
What are the rare earth phosphors? Gadolinium, lanthanum & yttrium P. 370
The system that the radiographer selects the anatomic part from the console menu? APR P. 384
The x-ray detection system that does not have a scintillation component is? Direct DR P. 384
Misalignment of the tube-part-IR relationship results in Shape distortion P. 384
Effects of scattered radiation on the x-ray image includes Produces fog & decreases contrast resolution P. 385
The use of optimum kV for small, medium, & large body parts is the premise of? Fixed kV, variable mAs technique chart P. 385
What information should be included on each x-ray image? Patient name/ ID number, side marker, exam date & institutions name P. 390
This reduces exposed silver bromide to black metallic silver Developer P. 403
The invisible latent image is converted into a visible manifest image in the Developer P. 409
A CR histogram is a graphic representation of Grayscale values of the imaged part P. 409
X-ray production Brems (70-90%) and Characteristic (10-30%) P. 439
A shorter wavelength is associated with? Higher frequency, higher energy & increased ionizing potential P. 440
X-ray photon interactions with matter Coherent/Classical Scatter, Photoelectric Effect & Compton Scatter P. 441
This changes mechanical energy into electrical energy Generators P. 444
Tungsten as a target material High atomic number increases x-ray production, high melting point to resist pitting and cracking & thermal conductivity for heat dissipation P. 452
The effective focal spot is always smaller than the actual focal spot Line focus principle P. 455
Difference between pixel & voxel Pixel is two dimensional and voxel is third dimensional P. 466
Minimum inches between the focal spot and tabletop for fluoroscopic equipment 12 P. 481
In the production of Bremsstrahlung radiation, the incident electron Is deflected with resulting energy loss P. 500
Image matrix size that will result in the best spatial resolution 2,048x2,048 P. 500
These circuit devices operate on the principle of self-induction Autotransformer and Choke coil P. 500
Focal spot size can be evaluated by using a Slit camera P. 512
What is recommended for cleaning PSPs Anhydrous Ethanol P. 512
This contributes to inherent filtration Glass envelope & x-ray tube port window P. 512
What can cause poor screen-film contact? Damaged cassette frame, foreign body in cassette & warped cassette front P. 512
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine P. 468
The number of pixels in XY direction making up a digital image Matrix P. 466
Image matrix size used for chest radiography 2,048x2,048 P.467
Filtration Summary 50-70 kV = 1.5-mm Al equivalent P. 456
Safe x-ray tube limits are demonstrated with Tube rating charts & anode cooling curves P. 457
The anode is made of: Graphite/Molybdenum disk with beveled edge. Tungsten/Rhenium alloy focal track. Molybdenum stem. P. 452
Created by: bchubb
Popular Radiology sets




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