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What is NCS/EMG used for? To reveal lower motor neuron phenomenon
Injury or disease of the nerve is called? neuropathy
Injury and or disease of the muscle is called? myopathy
What are three types of myopathy? genetically determined, toxic, and inflammatory
Can peripheral nerves regenerate? yes
If these are destroyed peripheral nerves cant regenerate. perikaryons
The perikaryon is also known as the what? cell body
The axon grows at a rate of ______. 1-3mm/day
Nerve fiber distal to the injury degenerates along with its myelin sheath = ? wallerian degeneration
After nerve injury what does the nucleus do? moves to the periphery
After nerve injury what happens to the nissl bodies? they become greatly reduced
Three weeks post nerve injury muscle fibers show pronounced atrophy secondary to ________. denervation
About how long does it take for the nerve fiber to regenerate? 3 months
neurapraxia, axonotmesis, neurotmesis, all are considered axonal degeneration neuropathies...which form of nerve classification does this describe? seddon
five degrees, based on pathology and EMG/NCS changes...which form of nerve classification does this describe? Sunderland
Conduction loss (temporary or transient block) without structural loss of the axon – mildest form of nerve block is what? neurapraxia 1st degree
What are common causes of neurapraxia 1st degree? compresison, ischemia, ionic changes of the nerve fibers
With neurapraxia, recovery takes place within _______ following removal of the cause. days or weeks
Axons lose continuity with subsequent wallerian degeneration along the distal segment followed by denervation-induced muscle atrophy is called? axonotmesis
With axonotmesis conduction ceases ________ across the site of the nerve injury. imeediatly
With axonotmesis there is _________ loss of excitability first at the neuromuscular junction then the distal nerve segment. irreversible
Axonotmesis recovery depends on what and can take how long. regeneration of nerve fibers, can take months to years
an injury that separates the entire nerve, including the supporting connective tissue is called? neurotmesis
If pt's with nerotmesis do not have _______ _______, regeneration proceeds slowly, resulting in an incomplete and poorly organized repair. surgical intervention
In neurotmesis, what kind of response do you get with a NCS? No response with stimulation proximal or distal to the lesion (motor or sensory)
Degeneration of muscle fibers and infiltration by CT resulting in progressive muscle weakness is? myotonia
myotonic discharges (trains of PWs) provoked by voluntary contraction or moving the needle - wax and wane (“divebomber”) NCS normal...what does this describe? myotonia
Created by: txst spr 2009
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