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sociolgy gender ch 8
Question | Answer |
what is sex | refers to genetically male or female |
gender | sociocultural distinction between males and females. socially constructed |
gender identities | conceptions we have of ourselves being male or female |
gender roles | sets of cultural expectations that define ways in which members of each sex should behave |
sexism | gender inequality operates at 2 levels- individual and istitutional (women a minority group) |
patriarchy | system of social organization in which men have disprotionate share of power.(rooted in cultural and legal systems) |
glass ceiling | "invisible barriers" that prevent women from advancing in their career |
hermaphrodite | individuals whose reproductive struxctures are amiguous and it is difficult to define as male or female (having both sex parts) |
transsexuals | individuals who have normal sex organs but psychologically feel like members of the opposite sex |
homosexuality | sexual orientation not confused gender identity |
freudian explanation gender identity | oedipeal conflict when children discover the differences between sexes.discovery prompts children to see themselves as rivals of their same-sex parent for the affection of the parent of the other sex |
cultural transmission theory gender identity | gradual process of learning begining at infancy.It suggests that parents, teachers, and other adults shape a child’s behavior by reinforcing child’s gender role and discouraging inappropriate ones |
cognitive developement theory of gender | States that children actively seek to acquire gender identities and roles from between 18months3yrs.Once they identify themselves as male of female,want adopt behaviors consistent w/ their newly discovered status.This process is called self-socialization |
interdependent self construal | individuals develope sense that self definition is based off of relations; harmonious relationships with others |
independent self construal | self; one’s unique attributes and importance of individual distinguishable from other people |
functionalist perspective gender strat. | division of labor because women reproduced so men took over jobs |
conflict perspective gender strat | sexual division devised by men to ensure themselves power prestige and privilege with relations with women |
interactionist persperctive gender strat | can change gender definitions and manipuilate them so social interaction takes on new meaning |
feminist perspective gender strat | changing patriarchal to help gender inequality |
individual sexism | sexism is the belief that one sex is superior to the other and involves two basic ideas:1)biological differences create different roles naturally and 2)primary cause of differential distribution of status,power,&income by gender |
institutional sexism | sexism involves policies, procedures, and practices that produce unequal outcomes for men and women. |
5 properties of minority group | 1) Historically, women have encountered prejudice and discrimination and have not had access to the institutionalized power needed to readily change this situation |
5 properties of minority group | 2) Women possess physical and cultural traits that distinguish them from men, the dominant group |
5 properties of minority group | 3) Through the efforts of the women’s liberation movement and consciousness-raising groups, women have increasingly become a self-conscious social group characterized by an awareness of oneness |
5 properties of minority group | 4) Membership is involuntary since gender is an ascribed status that is assigned to a person at birth |
5 properties of minority group | 5) Only the fifth characteristic, endogamy, does not apply to women, because, of course, women are not required to marry women |
sticky floor | apt metaphor for the occupational frustrations experienced by most U.S. working women in low-paying dead-end jobs. |
second shift | refers to women in the workforce who come home after a long day of work for a “second shift” where they then do all of the household work. |
sexual harassment | unwelcome sexual attention, whether verbal or physical, that affects an employee’s job conditions or creates a “hostile” working environment. |
First wave | legal equality (pursuit of sufferage, voting) |
Second wave | social equality (jobs, education) |
sex differences | Beginning about age 11,girls show greater verbal ability than boys.Boys are superior 2 girls on visual-spatial tasks in adolescence and adulthood,although not during childhood.At about 12/13 yr,boys move ahead girls in math ability.males more agressive |