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Ortho - TMJ


A collection of clinical symptoms involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and associated supportive structures is called what? TMD (temporomandibular disorder
Pain associated with TMD is usu reported in what regions? ear, head, neck, and TMJ
What are the three most common symptoms reported with TMD? pain, altered mandibular mvmt, dizziness
What sex does TMD tend to affect? females
According to Lipton et al, what % if the general population experienced orofacial pain in the last six months? 22%
What spinal nerves innervate the areas posterior and inferior to the TMJ? C1-C3
Where does the spinal trigeminal tract synapse? C1-C4
What three components make up the skeletal anatomy of the TMJ? mandibular fossa, condyle, articular eminence
What are the ligaments of the TMJ(that boucher talked about)? collateral, stylomandibular, sphenomandibular
What ligament runs from the disc to the medial pole of the condyle Medial collateral lig
What ligament runs from disc to lateral pole of the condyle? Lateral collateral Lig
The primary function of this ligament is to limit excessive protrusion? stylomandibular
This ligament has no significant effects on limiting normal mandibular motion. sphenomandibular
What is the normal ROM for mandibular depression? 40-60mm
What is the norm for functional opening? 36-44mm
What two motoins must occur to obtainfull mouth opening? rotation and translation
Rotation= ? condyle on disc
Translation = ? disc on mandible
In what direction does the condyle move during opening? anterior and inferior
In what direction does the anterior surface of the mandible move during opening? posterior and inferior
What is the norm for mandibular lateral mvmt? 5-10mm
What muscle does ipsilateral lateral mvmt of the mandible? temporalis
What muscles do contralateral lateral mvmt of the mandible? medial and lateral pterygoid
What is the norm for mandibular protrusion? 5-10mm
What muscles do mandibular protusion? medial/lateral ptrygoid, masseter(superficial head)
What muscles do mandibular retrusion? temporalis, digastric, and suprahyoid
In this displacement the Disc lies in an anterior position at rest, Condyles are posterior to the posterior region of disc, on opening the condyle reduces back over the posterior region of the disc and normal function resumes, may have click on reduction. Disc displacement with reduction
In this kind of displacement elasticity of the collateral ligs and retrodiscal tissues is lost. Condyles are unable to glide over posterior region onto the disc. When disc is not reduced translation of the condyles stops as the disc is forced anteriorly. disc displacement without reduction
Opening is limited and often painful with what kind of disc displacement? disc displacement without reduction
If the disc displacement without reduction is unilateral, to what side will the mandible deviate during opening and what motion will not be possible? To the affected side/lateral translation to the unaffected side
This occurs with hypermobility of the joint capsule, condyle and disc translate over the articular eminence appearing to jump forward into the maximum opening position. subluxation
How many stages are there to treating intracapsular inflammation? 3
Stage I treatment for Intracapsular Inflammation includes? rest, ice, synovial flushing, mvmt training, posture, treat soft tissue, address c-spine impairments.
Stage II Treatment for Intracapsular Inflammation includes? stretching and mobilization, strengthen DNF and c-spine impairments
Stage III Treatment for Intracapsular Inflammation include? Strengthen and proprioception training TMJ structures, movement training
What is the goal of TMJ hypermobility intervention? stabilization
What is the goal of TMJ hypomobility intervention? mobilize
What are some indications for surgical intervention? Continued Problematic Disc, Disc Perforation, Osteoarthritis and Osteoarthrosis, Avascular Necrosis, Ankylosis
Created by: txst spr 2009
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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