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Alexis Sci EXAM 1

Alexis April Science (STUDY FOR EXAM)

electricity begins at the______ level where protons and electrons have electric charge. atomic
___________ carry a positive charge. protons
Electrons carry a what charge? negative
what forms when atoms lose or gain electrons and become positively or negatively charged? ions
what kind of charge is the build up of electric charge on an object? static charge
a flow of charge can be caused by ions moving in a what? solution
all objects exert an what on each other; it can be attracted or repulsive? electric force
like charges repel and unlike charges do what? attract
electric charges exert a force on each other at a distance through an ___ which exists around every electric charge. electric field
what is a material which does not allow electrons to move? insulators
what is a material that all electrons to move easily threw it? conductor
what is a rapid movement of excess charge from one place to another? electric discharge
what provides a pathway to drain excess charge into the earth; lightning rods help ground buildings? groundings
what flow of charge through a conductor? electric current
what flowing charge goes threw a solid? what flows threw a liquid? electrons, positive or negatively charged ions
what closed conducting loop through which electric currents continuously flow? a circuit
current what can do work in an elecric device; it carries electrical energy through wire? flow
what measures how much electric energy a battery can provide? voltage
electrons move in a circuit and have millions and millions of what? collisions
the voltage in a battery depends on the amount and type of what used to create the chemical reaction in a battery? chemicals
batteries what when the original chemicals are used up and the chemical reactions in a batery stop? die
What is the measure of how difficult it is for electrons to flow through a material? resistance
insulators generally have much what resistance then conductors? higher resistance
when the amount of electric energy that is converted into thermal energy what as the resistance wire increases? increases
the length and what of a wire affect electron flow? diameter
the amount of current is determined by the what, and supplied by a battery and the resistance of the conductor? voltage
as the resistance in an electric current increases, the current in a circuit does what? decreases
what law equals this current=voltage/resistance? ohm's law
when the voltage in a circuit increases, the current does what? increases
there are how many kinds of basic circuits? 2
what are the two kinds of circuits? series and parallel
what is a series circuit? it has only one path for the electric current to flow.
what is a parallel circuit? it has more than one path for electric currents to flow
for safety, circuits in homes and buildings have what? fuses
or what else do buildings and homes have? circuit breakers
a rate at which an appliance converts electrical energy to another form of energy is called what? electric power
What are watt? The unit of power
Electronic companies charge customers for the number of _________________ they use each month? kilowatt-hours
Electricity can be ____________? dangerous
Current can enter your body and shock you when your body accidentally becomes part of _________________? electric circuit
Lightning can deadly; if caught outdoors near lightning use a ________________ squat on the balls of your feet with hands on knees lightning-safety
Atoms are made up of ______________ charged protons. positively
Atoms are made up of ______________ charged electrons. negatively
What type of charge do neutrons have? they are neutral (they have no charge)
What happens when salt (NaCl)dissolves in water? The sodium ions and chloride ions break apart.
When sodium ions and chloride ions break apart, what happens? The ions are now able to carry electric energy
What do positive charge and a negatively charge do? They attract each other.
What do two positively charged particles do? They repeal (run from) each other?
What do two negativity charged particles do? They repeal (run from) each other?
Electric charges move easily through conductors then________? insulators
When a spark jumps between your fingers and a metal doorknob starts where? your feet
What does a lightning rod do for a building? protects it from getting damaged
What is need to electrons to flow for a battery to work? The electrons must flow, through a closed circuit, from the negative battery terminal to the positive battery terminal.
what happens when an alkaline battery is connected to an electrical circuit? Chemical reactions occur in the moist paste of this alkaline battery that the move electrons from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.
What happens as electrons flow through a wire? They travel in a zigzag path as they collide with atoms and other electrons.
What happens when electrons collide as they travel through a wire? They lose some of their some electronic energy.
When water and electrons, what influences the resistance? The diameter and the length of the conductor.
What two types of hoses increase resistance? long or narrow.
What happens when you hold a bucket of water higher? It will increase potential energy of the water in the bucket.
How does holding a bucket of water increase potential energy? It causes the water to flow out of the hose faster
What is a series circuit? A series circuit has only one path for electric current to flow
What is a parallel circuit? A parallel circuit has more then one path for electronic current to flow
What does a fuse do? A fuse contains a piece of wire that melts and breaks when the current through the fuse becomes too large.
What do electronic meters do? They ensure the amount of electric energy used in kilowatt-hours.
V = R × I
I = V / R
R = V / I
voltage symbol = V; also called volt Sign V
current symbol = I; also called ampere (amp) Sign A
resistance symbol = R; also called ohm Sign Ω
power symbol = P also called watt Sign W
Created by: marcrobertdillon
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