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124 infection cntrl

Infection an invasion and growth of microorganisms that cause harm to cells and tissues.
acid-fast bacillus (AFB) a type of bacillus that resists decolorizing by acid after accepting a stain
amebiasis a protozoal infection transmitted by food or water contaminated with human feces that primarily affects the colon, but also the liver and other sites.
angiography the radiographic visualization of the internal anatomy f the heart and blood vessels after administration of a contrast agent.
anorexia lack or loss of appetite resulting in the inability to eat.
antigen any substance eleciting an immunological response, such as production of an antibody specific for that substance.
antimicrobial a type of agent that kills or inhibits the growth or replication of microorganisms
anticeptic any substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria
asepsis freedom from infectious material
asymptomatic exhibiting or producing no symptoms
autoimmune a condition in which an immune response is directed against constituents of an organisms own body
body fluid a fluid produced by human body
cannula a tube for insertion into a duct of cavity
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) a basic emergency procedure for life support that consists of artificial respiration and manual external cardiac massage.
carrier a person or animal who harbors and spreads a disease causing organism to others without becoming ill.
cerabrospinal fluid the fluid that flows through and protects the four ventricles of the brain, the subarachnoid space, and the spinal canal.
chemotherapy the treatment of infections and other diseases with chemical agents.
chronic a type of disease or condition lasting a long time that has periods of improvement and periods of increased illness and is incurable
ciliate of or having cilia; a cell having hairlike projections on its surface.
contaminate to make unclean; to introduce microorganisms into an area where they did not live before.
convalescence a period of recovery at the end of an illness
cyst wall an abnormal sac formed by microorganisms when they are inactive or dormant that may serve as a reproductive structure.
cytotoxic drugs chemical substances used to destroy or prevent multiplication of particular cells; used in treatment of cancer.
dementia deterioration or loss of intellectual faculties, reasoning power, memory and will, due to organic brain disease
disinfectant an agent that destroys or inhibits the microorganism causing disease.
dormant concealed, inactive potential
enteric pertaining to the intestine
enzymes proteins produced by living cells that assist in chemical actions on organic matter; present in all living organisms.
epidemic a disease that is widespread and rapidly affects a great number of people in one location.
etiology the causes of disease.
exudate types of fluid, cell or other substance with a high content of cellular material from blood vessels
fatigue a state of exhaustion, or a loss of strength or endurance
flagella whiplike projections on protozoa, whose movements propel the organism
flora plant life adopted for living in a specific environment; may be microscopic in size
fomes inanimate object that may be contaminated with infectious organisms and thus serves to transmit disease.
ganglion a knot or knotlike mass; om neurology designates a group of nerve cell bodies.
gastrointestinal pertaining to the stomach and intestines
germicide substance that kills bacteria on contact
helminth a class parasitic worms
hemophillia a group of hereditary bleeding disorders in which there is a deficiency of one of the factors necessary for blood to coagulate or clot.
heterosexual sexual orientation toward the opposite sex
histamine a compound found in all cells produced by the breakdown of histidine; functions of dilate capillaries, to constrict bronchial smooth muscles, and to induce gastric secretion.
host an organism in which another usually a parasitic, organism is nourished and harbored.
immunosuppression the administration of agents tat interfere with the ability of the immune system to respond to antigenic stimulation by inhibiting cellular and humoral immunity
infectious disease one due to organisms ranging in size from submicroscopic viruses to parasitic worms visible with the naked eye
inflammatory disease the reaction of the tissue to injury, characterized by heat, swelling, redness, pain and loss of function.
interferon a protein formed by animal cells in the presence of a virus that prevents viral reproduction
intravenous within the vein
isolation separation of patient from rest of community or from other patients to prevent the spread of communicable diseases or for other reasons.
latent phase when disease is not manifesting sysptoms
limphocyte a leukocyte (white blood cell) that participates in humoral and cell-mediated immunity
lysis disintegration or dissolution, as cells, bacteria or tissue
malaise a feeling of bodily weakness or discomfort that often proceeds illness
metabolic rate the amount of energy liberated or expended in a given period of time
microbe a microorganism
mucous membrane any one of four kinds of thin sheets of protective kinds of thin sheets of protective tissue that cover or line various parts of the body
neuropathy any disease affecting neurons
nosocomial infections acquired while receiving medical care
parasite an organism that spends part of its existence on or in another organism, its host, at whose expense it obtains nourishment and is able to survive.
pathogenic capable of producing a disease
pericardial referring to the sac that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great vessels of the heart
peristalsis progressive wave of contractions seen in tubes, such as gastric intestinal tract, that provide the means by which contents of the tube are forced toward an opening
phagocyte a cell that is able to surround, engulf and digest microorganisms and cellular debris
prostaglandins one of several potent, hormone-like, unsaturated fatty acids that act to stimulate uterine and other smooth muscle contractility, to lower blood pressure, and to effect action of hormones in the body.
protozoa broad, basic classification of unicellular animals
pseudopod prodtruding process of protozoa used for purpose of movement and obtaining nourishment
purulent producing or containing pus
replicate to repeat, duplicate or reproduce
resistance the means by which the body defends itself against invasion by infections organisms and their toxic byproducts
serum any serous fluid (the clear portion of any animal liquid)
staphylococcal infection an infection caused by a pathogenic species of staphylococci commonly characterized by formation of avscesses of the skin or other body organs
synovial fluid a transparent, viscous fluid secreted by the synovial membranes that acts as a lubricant for many joints, bursae and tendons
transducer any of the various devices that transmit energy from one system to another
transmission transfer of disease from one person to another
tuberculosis a chronic granulomatous infection caused by an acid fast bacillus that affects the lungs or other body organs
universal precautions a widespread set of procedures and regulations instituted for thesafe handling and disposal of blood and body substanses
vector an agent that carries microorganisms from an infected person to another, previously uninfected
vegetative inactive
vehicle a transporting agent
virulence the disease-producing power of a microorganism
virus minute microorganism that cannot be seen under an ordinary microscope
Created by: nemracf13
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