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Ch 7 A&P 1

Axial Skeleton & Termonology

The principal division of the skeletal system that consists of 80 bones Axial Skeleton
The principal division of the skeletal system that consists of 126 bones Appendicular Skeleton
The 2 divisions of the skeletal system Axial & Appendicular
Skull, ear bones, hyoid bone, ribs, sternum, & bones of the vertebral column are in the Axial Skeleton system
Bones in the upper & lower limbs & bones forming the shoulder & pelvic area that connect limbs to skeleton Appendicular Skeleton system
5 types of bones based on SHAPE Long, short, flat, irregular, & sesamoid
Jointed areas where flat bones come together Sutures
2 major types of structural features Depressions & openings, Processes
Furrow on a bone for passage of blood vessel, nerve or tendon Sulcus
Largest and strongest facial bone, only moveable skull bone The Mandible
Mucous membrane-lined cavities in the frontal, maxillary, sphenoid & ethmoid bones Paranasal sinuses
Filled spaces between cranial bones present at birth Mesenchyme
These separate the vertebrae from one another Intervertebral disc
Each disc has an outer ring of fibrocartilage which surrounds soft pulpy nucleus Annulus Fibrosus
There are 7 vertebra in this region Cervical vertebrae
There are 12 vertebrae in this region Thoracic vertebrae
There are 5 vertebrae in this region Lumbar Vertebrae
The first 2 vertebrae are different from the other in... Shape and function
Atlas C1 allows for nodding "yes"
Axis C2 allows for Shaking head "no"
This supports the ribs & has special structures for rib head & tubercle attachment ( Giraffe face shape) Thoracic vertebrae
This is the largest & strongest in the vertebral column- support the body's weight (moose head shape) Lumbar Vertebrae
Composed of 5 vertebrae that begin to fuse together between 16 & 18 yrs (pelvic girdle) Sacral Spine
Also know as the breastbone - flat & located in the center of the anterior thoracic wall Sternum
These provide support to the thoracic cavity - twelve pairs Ribs
Number of True Ribs, False Ribs, & Floating Ribs True- 1-7, False- 8,9,10 Floating Ribs- 11 & 12
In the vertebral column- may occur due to trauma or simply associated with aging Herniated Disc
Increased lateral curvature Scoliosis
Increased Thoracic curve-bent forward Kyphosis
Increased lumbar curve-bent backwards Lordosis
Congenital defect of the vertebral column where the Laminae do not develop normally Spina Bifida
Created by: Cfelts0324
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