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patient care


The two most important skills a radiographer needs to possess: empathy and listening
the 1st interaction your patient has with you is _______ visual
what does PACS stand for? picture archiving and communication system
the two types of patient preparation done before an exam: internal and external
Three general types of contrast media used in radiography: iodine, barium, air
How many rights in the patient's bill of rights? 12
how many rules of ethics? 22
when laying on a hard radiographic table, the patient's position should be changed every ______minutes 30
What is the most infectious stage in the process of infection? Prodromal stage
What is the second most infectious stage in the process of infection? Full disease stage
HIV is a retrovirus which means it can change: its RNA to DNA and vice versa
Insect or animal carriers of disease (bites) are called? vectors
Objects capable of transferring pathogens are called? fomites
route of transmission that includes infected food, water, drugs, or blood is called the? vehicle
parasites what cause disease (worms) are called? helminthes
the smallest form of a virus is a _____? prion -has no DNA or RNA, cannot be killed
the layer that protects a virus is called a ? capsid
T or F? bacteria can be treated by antibiotic True, viruses cannot
T or F? viruses contain both DNA and RNA? false. they contain either DNA or RNA but never both
protective coat or layer over a bacteria is called an ________ endospore
someone else's flora is called: your own flora is called: transient ; resident flora
the most common nosocomial infections caused by indwelling catheters? UTI
infections acquired during the course of medical care are called? nosocomial infections
infections that result form a particular treatment or therapeutic procedure? iatrogenic
an infection caused by microorganisms that are not part of the body's natural flora are called __________. EXOGENOUS
an infection caused by an overgrowth of the body's normal flora is called ________. ENDOGENIC
T or F? the skin of an older person is a major concern for the technologist True
______,_______,____ are the cause of 80% of deaths in people over the age of 65 heart disease, cancer, stroke
A term to describe a patient who is taking a large amount of medications ? polypharmacy
_________ is a common and debilitating emotional problem for the aged depression
Age range for a pediatric patient? Neonate? Pediatric= infancy-15yrs Neonate= 29 days
T or F? you can take blood pressure on the same side that a patient has had a mastectomy False
normal oxygen values should be between _____%-____% 95-100
the _________ is considered the body's thermostat (controls temperature) hypothalamus
the medical term for fever is _________. pyrexia
T or F? if a fever persists for a long period of time it will cause permanent damage to the CNS true
Hypothermia is? body temp too low
Normal body temperature in an adult? 98.6
The most common site to take a pulse? radial pulse
normal pulse rates for an adult in a resting stare are between ? 60 and 90 beats/min
what is tachycardia? abnormally rapid heart rate( 100bpm or >)
the average rate of respiration for an adult is ____to _____ breaths/min 15-20
T or F? adolescents have the lowest blood pressure of all True
the instrument used to measure blood pressure is called a _______________? sphygmomanometer
_________pressure is created during the contraction phase of the heart and ________pressure is measured during the relaxation phase of the heart. systolic; diastolic
T or F? bacteria are classified according to their shape and divisional grouping true
T or F? a protective layer around some types of bacteria allows it to lay dormant for years true
Secretions from the nose,eyes,and mouth are transferred in the form of droplets. how far can droplets travel? 3-5 feet
T or F? airborne organisms evaporate and stay in the air for long periods of time true
the body has 3 lines of defense against disease. which of the following is the third line of defense? A. skin, hair and mucous membranes B. production of antibodies C. inflammatory reaction D. none of the above B. production of antibodies
how often must immobilizers be removed? every 2 hours
how do you handle a wet cast? flat hands
what does the term ischemia mean? lack of blood flow
the cardinal rule in radiography of protecting the technologist is ___________, __________, and ____________. time, distance, shielding
Who was the person that developed the stages of grief? Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
What is the name of the advanced directive that appoints an agent to make decisions for a patient when the patient can't make them for themselves? durable power of attorney
T or F? bargaining is part of the grieving process True
A severe allergic reaction can result from which type of contrast material? iodine
What is the name of a stationary blood clot? Thrombus
When the heart rate is rapid the blood pressure is usually ______. low
bradycardia describes a heartbeat below: 60 BPM
The mode of transmission for the spread of TB is: Air Borne
What does CHF stand for? congestive heart failure
When a person is not getting enough oxygen, the lips and nails may appear blue. this condition is known as _________. cyanosis
the medical term for fainting is __________. syncope
when the level of oxygen in the blood is inadequate to meet the patient's needs it is called ________. hypoxia
T or F? confusion and dementia are a normal part of aging? false
what is the leading cause of death for all age groups under 44 years? trauma
how should you approach an agitated patient who is pacing back and forth and arguing with someone who is not there? approach the patient from the side
eighty percent of death in persons over the age of 65 is due to? cancer, heart disease, and stroke
T or F? if the blood pressure cuff is too large it will not give an accurate reading true
T or F? the systolic reading is the highest point reached during contraction of the left ventricle true
T or F? the diastolic reading is the highest point reached during the contraction of the left ventricle false
Respirations should be monitored for what length of time? one minute
T or F? respirations of fewer than 10 breaths/min can result in cyanosis true
if the pulse rate is rapid then the blood pressure is ______(high/low) low
T or F? a physicians order is not required for vital signs to be measured true
which gland is considered to be the body's thermostat? hypothalamus
all items that penetrate the skin and mucus membrane must be _______. a. disinfected b. sterile B. sterile
which of the following procedures does not require the use of surgical aseptic technique? a. intramuscular injection b. intravenous injection c. intrathecal injection d. ateriogram e. gastrointestinal series e. gastro series
an object capable of transferring pathogens is called a: a. vector b. vehicle c. fomite c. fomite
T or F? an airborne organism is the same as an organism found in a droplet false
what is the cause of anaphylactic shock? allergy
what is the cause of hypovolemic shock? blood loss
anything that interferes with blood flow to the heart is called ______ shock. obstructive
the abbreviation CVA stands for: cerebrovascular accident
T or F? if a patient has a seizure during an exam you should put something in their mouth to keep them from choking on their tongue false
T or F? one fourth of people over the age of 65 experience postural hypotension true
if a hip has been replaced can the legs be brought together? no
if a patient becomes nauseated, which side should they be rolled on to? left
which exam should be done first? a. ultrasound b. IV contrast exmas c. lower GI series d. upper GI series a. Ultrasound
Most common site for measuring the patient's pulse? radial artery
the term used to describe difficulty breathing is : dyspnea
a set of practices that aid in disease prevention are termed _________ _________. standard/universal precautions
in which of the following fractures is the skin unbroken? a. open b. closed c. compound d. all of the above b. closed
when moving a person with a fractured extremity, it is important to maintain support: a. above the fracture site b. below the fracture site c. both above and below the fracture site d. either above or below the fracture site c. both above and below the fracture site
what is the most important step to remember when removing an indwelling catheter? deflate the balloon
the swiftest route for introducing medication into the bloodstream is which of the following ? a. intramuscular b. intravenous c. subcutaneous d. intradermal b. intravenous
which of the following pathogens usually do not require the use of antibiotics? a. viruses b. bacteria c. parasites a. virus
T or F? assay is the term used to describe a method of measuring a drug's purity true
first-pass effect is a disadvantage of which route of drug administration? oral
how many half lives must a drug undergo to reach a therapeutic level in the bloodstream? 4-5
T o r F? herbal products marketed as dietary supplements must undergo testing by the FDA false
T or F? only a free drug can act on the body true
Created by: taylos84
Popular Radiology sets




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