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Poetry Terms


Synesthesia Using words that relate to one of the five senses to describe a situation from another of the five senses.
Dead Metaphor Metaphor so overused that its original impact has been lost.
Personification The giving of personality or life to inanimate objects or to ideas.
Synecdoche A part of something to stand for the whole.
Simile A comparison of two persons, things, or other elements, with the use of "like", "as", or "than".
Hyperbole An obvious exaggeration for the sake of effect without any attempt at deception.
Rhetorical Question Questions to which no answer is expected or which implies its own answer.
Paradox Statement which appears contradictory but actually presents a truth.
Metaphor A direct comparison without "like", "as", or "than".
Symbol A figure in which a concrete object is used to stand for an abstract idea; something that stands for something else.
Litotes An expression which actually says less than might be said; understatement; saying the opposite.
Conceit Unusual or surprising comparison between two very different things (special kind of metaphor or complicated analogy).
Extended Metaphor A metaphor developed at length and involving several points of comparison.
Metonymy The use of a word for another with which it is intimately connected.
Allegory A narrative in which character, objects, and events have underlying political, religious, moral, and social meanings.
Oxymoron Fuses two contradictory opposing ideas.
Mixed Metaphor When two metaphors are jumbled together, often illogically.
Apostrophe An address to the dead as if living; to the inanimate as if animate; to the absent as if present; to the unborn as if born.
Enjambment Carrying the poetic line to another line before completing the thought.
Figures of Speech A form of expression in which words are used out of the usual sense in order to make the meaning more specific; category that includes ways to create imagery.
Juxtaposition Placing two things side-by-side.
Created by: Michaela53
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