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Apsy 211 exam 1

Applied Research research designed to be used in real world situations
Basic Research research directed at understanding the fundamental aspects of a phenomenon
Confirmation Bias cognitive bias where a person seeks information that confirms their belief and does not seek info that would go against their beliefs
Critical thinking skills ability to determine what info is required to tackle a question or problem
empirical research research in which data is collected through systematic observation
hindsight bias a cognitive bias in which a person feels they predicted the outcome of an event when they really did not
introspection using ones own thoughts as evidence for the nature of psychological phenomena
Law of small numbers more likely to get an extreme result when sample size is small, than when it is large
nonempirical research a method for gaining knowledge that isn't systematic or scientific, such as personal experience or opinion
outlier an unusual data point; extreme score
pseudoscience the presentation of info that is intended to look as though it is based on scientific observation when it is not
replication the repetition of an experiment that uses the exact same methodology
scientific method a method of systematic observation that enables a person to test a hypothesis
What are the characteristics of a good scientist? skepticism open mindedness objectivity empiricism creativity communication
Why is science in the media different? media tends to make things sound scientific or factual when there is no real evidence to back it up. subconcious clues such as big words, lab coats, statistics
Anecdotal evidence relying on our own or others personal experiences
What skills of research will be helpful to future careers? Critical thinking skills project management problem solving analytical skills interpretation of numerical information communication skills
Barnum effect tendency for people to believe that very general statements apply specifically to them ex. horoscopes
between-subjects design experimental design in which each participant only recieves 1 level of the independent variable
conceptual definition a definition of a variable that relates to the study; determined by the researcher
constant a factor that is not a variable, ie doesn't change
correlational design an experimental design in which the extent to which variables vary together in a study; does not imply causation
data pieces of information
debriefing revelation of the true purpose of a study that is given to participants after the study is over
dependent variables a variable that is measured by the researcher; not manipulated
empirical use of observation to gather info to answer a research question
experimental design research design that allows the researcher to infer cause and effect relationships between variables
hypothesis a testable prediction
independent variable a variable that is manipulated as part of an experiment; has multiple levels or conditions
informed consent a participants agreement to participate in the study after being told what is to be expected from the study
levels different variations of the Independent variable determined by the researcher
nonexperimental design design used when the independent variable cannot be manipulated see also: quasi-experimental
Oscam's razor the simplest explanation is usually the best one; cutting away unnecessary parts of an explanation
operational definition how variables will be used in a study
research journal peer reviewed periodical with a collection of articles in a given field
scientific law an observation that has been replicated many times with the same results
scientific theory a conclusion about some aspect of the natural law based on repeated hypotheseis testing
variables aspects that are either manipulated or measured by the researcher
within subjects design an experimental design in which all participants receive all levels of the independent variable
Popular Psychology sets




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