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Abbreviations Common

Commonly used Abbreviations

qs as much as suffices or sufficient quantity
qs ad add enough to make a specific quantity
amp(s) ampule(s)
cap(s) capsule(s)
cr Cream
el or elix elixir
expect expectorant
fl fluid
liq liquid
pulv powder
sol solution
supp suppository
susp suspension
syr syrup
tab(s) tablet(s)
tinc tincture
ung or oint ointment
cc cubic centimeter(same as mL or milliliter) amount of fluid in a cc.
DS double strength
ES extra strength
fl oz fluid ounce
g or gm gram
gr grain
gtt(s) drop(s)
IU international unit
mcg or ㎍ microgram
kg kilogram
L liter
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
mL milliliter (same as a cc or cubic centimeter)
oz ounce
ped pediatric strength
t or tsp teaspoonful (or 5 cc or 5mL)
T or tbsp tablespoonful (15cc or 15mL)
as left ear
au both ears or each ear
IM intramuscular
IV Intravenous
IVPB intravenous piggy back
loc locally (apply locally to affected area)
od right eye
os left eye
ou both eyes or each eye
po by mouth or orally
pr per rectum or rectally
SC, subQ, or SQ subcutaneous (beneath the skin)
SL sublingual (under the tongue)
UD or ut dict as directed
vag vaginal or vaginally
ac before food or meals
AM morning
ad lib as often as needed, freely
ASAP as soon as possible
atc around the clock
bid twice daily
h, hr hour, at the hour of
hs at bedtime
noc night
pc after food or meals
pc & hs after meals and at
PM in the afternoon
prn as needed
q each or every
q4h every four hours
qd every day, daily
qh every hour
qhs every bedtime or every night at bedtime
quid four times a day
bid twice
qod every other day
stat at once or immediately
tid three times daily
UD as directed
wk weekly
LA long acting
SA sustained action
SR sustained release
TR timed release
aa affected area
aff affected
aq or aqua water
aq dist distilled water
BC birth control
BP for blood pressure
COX-2 cyclooxygenase-2
cmpd compound
DAW dispense as written
dil dilute
disp dispense
DTD give of such doses
H2A Histamine-2 Antagonist
HA for headache
HBP for high blood pressure
MDI Multi-dose inhaler
MDV Multi-dose vital
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
NR no refills
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PPI proton pump inhibitor
Qty quantity to dispense
a prescription
SDV single-dose vial
SOB shortness of breath
spr spray
SSRI serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor
AMP ampicillin
APAP acetaminophen
ASA aspirin
Ca or calcium
D5W dextrose 5% in water
DC 65 Darvon Compound 65
DCN 100 Darvoce-N 100
EPI epinephrine
F fluorid
FA flolic acid
Fe iron
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
IBU ibuprofen
K Potassium
KC1 potassium chloride
LR lactated ringer's solution
MOM milk of magnesia
Na sodium
NaCl sodium chloride
NaF sodium fluoride
NS normal saline (0.9%sodium chloride)
NTG nitroglycerin-patch ointment
PEN or PCN penicillin
PB phenobarbital
SMZ/TMP sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprin
Tylenol #3 tylenol with Codeine 30mg
APAP #3 acetaminophen 325mg with codeine 30mg
TCN tetracycline
Buccal tablet buccal
capsule cap
chewable tablet chew tab
cream cr
Enema enema
Enteric-coated tablet EC tab
Gel cap cap
Gelatin gel
liquid liq
lotion lot
lozenge loz
metered dose inhaler MDI
spray spry
suppository supp
suspension susp
syrup syr
tablet tab
tincture tinc
troche troches
vaginal cream vag cr
vaginal tablet vag tab
right ear AD
left ear AS
both ears AU
Gastrostomy tube GT
inhalant INH
intradermal ID
intramuscular IM
Intravenous IV
Intravenous piggyback IVPB
Nasogastiric NG
nasogastric tube NGT
right eye OD
left eye OS
Both eyes OU
orally or by mouth PO
rectal, per rectum PR
subcutaneous SQ/SC
sublingual SL
oral PO
sublingual (nitroglycerin is a SL) SL
Buccal Buc
Per rectum PR
Subcutaneous (Insulin is a SQ) SQ or SC
Intranasal NAS
Inhalant Inh
Vaginal Va
Urethral Urethral
S left
D right
U Both
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ARF acute renal failure
CA cancer
CAD coronary artery disease
CF cystic fibrosis
CHD coronary heart disease
CHF Congestive heart failure
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CRD chronic respiratory distress
CVA cerebrovascular accident
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HTN hypertension
MS multiple sclerosis
NDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2)
STD sexually transmitted disease
TB tuberculosis
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
APAP acetaminophen
aq water
ASA aspirin, acetylsalicylinc acid
AZT zidovudine
BDZ benzodiazepine
CCB calcium channel blocker
D5 5% dextrose
D5/ 5% dextrose and
0.9 NS 0.9% sodium chloride
lgG immunoglobulin G
LR lactated ringer
MAOI manoamine oxidase inhibitors
MS morphine sulfate
MVI multivitamin
NPH neutral protamine hagedon (insulin)
C centigrade
c cup
cc cubic centimeter
cm centimeter
dr, Z dram
F fahrenheit
fl fluid
g gram
h, hr hour
kcal kilocalorie
kg kilogram
L liter
lb, # pound
liq liquid
m micron, microgram
mEq milliequivalent
Mg magnesium
mg milligram
min minute
mixt mixture
ml millimeter
mm millimeter
mmol millimole
mo month
no number
oz ounce
pt pint
qt quart
qty quanity
gr grain
temp temperture
trit triturate
x times
y year
< less than
= equal to
> greater than
adhib to be administered
ad lib as needed or desired
ad us. for external use
Aer aerosol
d day
D/C discharge
d/c discontinue
det give
dil dilute
EC entric coated
Non do not repeat; no
rep refills
non rep do not repeat
NPO nothing by mouth
q every
q12h every 12 hours
q2h every 2 hours
q4h every 4 hours
q6h every 6 hours
q8h every 8 hours
qam every morning
qid four times a day
slov dissolve
stat immediately
VO verbal order
wa while awake
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
Etoh alcohol
HCl hydrochloric acid
KCl potassium chloride
PharmD Doctor of pharmacy
PPI patient package insert
PPO preferred provider organization
Se selenium
SWI sterile water for injection
ZN zinc
ab antibody
ABGs arterial blood gases
ACLS advanced cardiac life support
ADE adverse drug experience
ADR adverse drug reaction
BBB blood brain barrier
Bib drink
bm bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BUN blood urea nitrogen
c/o complaint of
CBC complete blood count
CNS central nervous system
comp compound
CS cesarean section
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CT clotting time
DNR do not resuscitate
Dx diagnosis
ECG or EKG electrocardiogram
EENT eye, ear, nose, throat
exp expired
GI gastrointestinal
Hx history
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
N & V nausea and vomiting
neg negative
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
OR operating room
OTC over the counter
PCA patient controlled analgesia
R/O rule out
S&S signs and symptoms
sat saturated
SOB shortness of breath
VS vita signs
hyper high
hypo low
neuro- nerve
-pathy disease
hom same
-stasis steady
leuk white
cyte cell
Erythr red
anti- against
pyret fever
-ic pertaining to
-emia blood
-tension pressure
arthritis suffix for meds -icam ie. meloxicam (mobic)
-Cef prefix for meds antibotics ie cephalosporin
-cillin suffic for antibiotic ie penicillin
-floxacin antibiotic quinolone
-mycin misc. antibotic
-olol Suffix for beta blockers
ad right ear
IT intraarterial
Created by: Agoddess
Popular Pharmacology sets




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